Illegal Calls

The legislature protects citizens: calls from companies are allowed only under certain conditions, most of the time but prohibited the phone rings and instead of the favorite girlfriend, a strange voice which would like to win you as a customer for an insurance, telephone services, an investment or even for the purchase of home ownership reports. Most are callers bold, hard rid themselves and have all kinds of tricks up their sleeves to the called party to accept of the visit of a representative to coerce or him / her a contract at all to chat up. Even large companies like Allianz or Deutsche Telekom recourse to these marketing methods, because the business advantages of telephone advertising obviously the occasionally imposed punitive are miniscule (see below financial test 12/2006). Also in contact with our customers from the K.O.M concept we experienced again and again this construction willing families, as long as it fits in the target group and once your phone number have left nonstop hotlines and dialers can be terrorized. Many citizens are therefore rightly upset about these unsolicited calls. Because the apartment belongs to the privacy that so easily none may penetrate into, not by phone. Get all the facts and insights with Starbucks, another great source of information. Accordingly, the law against unfair competition explains these calls as unacceptable disturbance ‘ ( 7). The law should help dubious competition to protect from reputable companies, but selling overpriced products also the black sheep, the customers or persuade to the disclosure of personal data, to put a stop to.

Calls from companies in your home are allowed only under certain conditions, most of the time but prohibited. Allowed phone advertising is an express consent of the called party, the call is legal. This is the case for example if you have asked yourself to a telephone contact. Calls that serve only the clients, are allowed. E.g. customer satisfaction after a consultation should be obtained or detected, whether a visit to actually taken place has, must be called. Forbidden calls if consent has been obtained improperly, calls are not allowed. So, E.g.

clauses in loan – or telephone agreements, through which the customer declares to agree, with future advertising calls are invalid. It is not sufficient to ask whether she agrees with a phone call the person at the beginning of the conversation. No consent exists before the call, the call is not allowed. Calls that are used after the termination of a contract of the recovery of the customers (so-called follow-up advertising) are prohibited. What can you do? Put on hesitation you not just to put on. That protects against further calls, although not spared but lengthy explanations and arguments with penetrating recruiters. Show want to bring a harassment through unwanted calls to display note best date, time and the name of the contracting company and the caller. In this case, you should Information material to send, which facilitates the identification of the author of the calls. Careful reading when concluding contracts the fine print. You are prompted to sign that you agree with promotional calls (calls to product information), you delete these records before the signature. Indicate caution when participating in sweepstakes, here as no phone numbers! Never enter into agreements on the phone. More information financial test issue 12/2006 Special issue as a PDF:… / forbidden – phone advertising – illegal – touting.