Job Search Problems

If you have any problems with the choice of a company can use issues and requirements set out in my article – Where do you want to work – The company of your dreams, you'll find on my blog – under Job Search. Then choose a direction and position. Main here – you chose the vacancy should match your experience, knowledge, skills, education. Step 2 – Do a site-resume and business cards – This step is optional, but its implementation will give you respectability. Step 3 – Study company for finding problems or improvements that can be corrected or implemented in your area of activity. Source of such information may serve as a site of the company in particular and the Internet in general, customers newspaper office, the employees themselves – security guards, janitors, competitors, advertising the company.

Here you will have to demonstrate skills Shtirlitsa. Problems exist in all companies, especially now in times of crisis. So you can easily it find. And most importantly – looking exactly the problem, the removal of which would bring the company more revenue. Step 4 – Develop a decision in writing to the problems found. This is perhaps the most difficult stage. It was from him depends the whole success of your operation – How to find a job in the company of your dreams. Since most of the problems lie on the surface, but how to solve them do not know, often in the company. Here you will have to work hard – prosherstit Internet, read books on the subject, ask around on the forums, with friends and so on.