The Proud

“Usually the proud agent then says: within a radius of 10 kilometers, nothing escapes us.” Is a joke, because the technology in fact much more than the imagination, especially such a device you can also accurately for non-criminal objectives a. And it is no longer the privileged professional group of spies reserved, but freely accessible for everyone. It however is not that cheap. “Free press” has become the so-called iDobber of the manufacturer, the Bornemann AG electronic sneak “called more accurately regarded. The device is promising: it could that over a long period people is Germany with a Superakku or locate vehicles. Via satellite, this means almost pinpoint accuracy. A unlocks abroad is also possible.

The test of iDobber”is switched on in the Chemnitz editorial with a simple push of a button. The test person makes with the device, which is about as large as a phone on the way. Meanwhile, he logs watchdogs in the Newsroom on a manufacturer’s website. On the beautifully designed side agrees on a map, where the subject is just. The image is updated every 15 seconds. After the point on the map of the computer reaches the theatre square, it is time for a first inspection. The editorial calls the subject and asks: where are you now? “On the theatre square.” Bull’s eye! Result in more control calls: the map displays correctly both the route and the point of the respective residence.

The operation of the device as well as the handling of the website are simple. The positive end result: The iDobber fulfils its task perfectly. The question is only uses, why do I need one? About secret monitoring is illegal, because it intervenes in the privacy of the monitored and violates the right of personality.

Dragan Matijevic

They give security in dealing with the channels and make you want to try new and leave other paths. The tasks of social media guidelines can be summarised as follows: avoid errors limiting of risks employees provide security of information pointing out limits items motivate attunement on a common strategy for the use and the components of social media guidelines should focus on the requirements and the conditions of the respective company building social media guidelines. While it’s only on, to develop their own content which primarily carry the CI of the company and meet the brand essence of the company. A coarse framework is basically from a variety has already been inserted create elements themselves, with following elements occur very often in practice: brief introduction to the topic of many employees have not clearly understood the principle of social media and find it difficult with many English Technical terms that have conquered our media landscape. Therefore, it is imperative to recommend a thorough introduction to the topic beforehand to avoid misunderstandings. Objectives and strategy of the activities in the social Web so that all employees know why the company is actually involved in the social Web, the broad objectives and the strategy followed the company activities, should be briefly presented. Occurrence of the company if the company in a certain way will occur, should be this laid down in the guidelines. “These include for example the address with you” or you “or a particular wording.

Use in the workplace that question, whether social media channels in the workplace are allowed or not, is of fundamental importance. Especially if the company allows you to use (also) for private purposes, limits and rules should be, defined here as with regard to duration, data protection and security. Legal issues are copyright infringement, trademark infringement, privacy and co. not to disregard and provide surprises again and again, especially in the early days, evil and thick! Set so what is and what isn’t in advance exactly. Starting with the imprint on the own facebook fanpage to towards the parts of articles and claims that may damage any reputation. The range of protection reasons is very wide.

It has proven examples of very effective, some positive as well as negative examples. (Similarly see: Kevin Johnson). “Just the no-go BBs” abstract prohibitions make tangible and clearly show borders. Much of what was actually well intentioned can afterwards negatively, E.g. participation in heated or political discussions in the network, etc dealing with criticism is dealing with constructive customer – or fan criticism for the external representation and the social reputation of central importance. How do you behave with sharp criticism on the part of the customer? Delete or short position to take? There are classic No. in the social-go BBs and this includes censoring posts on the page. Such examples are extremely unpopular with Users in the social media and not rarely lead to the so-called Shitstorm. Many social media agencies offer you support in the introduction of social media marketing elements in your company. Use therefore the experience of competent specialists. Dragan Matijevic of brand parkvilla GmbH

Matijevic Media

They give security in dealing with the channels and make you want to try new and leave other paths. The tasks of social media guidelines can be summarised as follows: avoid errors limiting of risks employees provide security of information pointing out limits items motivate attunement on a common strategy for the use and the components of social media guidelines should focus on the requirements and the conditions of the respective company building social media guidelines. While it’s only on, to develop their own content which primarily carry the CI of the company and meet the brand essence of the company. A coarse framework is basically from a variety has already been inserted create elements themselves, with following elements occur very often in practice: brief introduction to the topic of many employees have not clearly understood the principle of social media and find it difficult with many English Technical terms that have conquered our media landscape. Therefore, it is imperative to recommend a thorough introduction to the topic beforehand to avoid misunderstandings. Objectives and strategy of the activities in the social Web so that all employees know why the company is actually involved in the social Web, the broad objectives and the strategy followed the company activities, should be briefly presented. Go to Andreessen Horowitz for more information. Occurrence of the company if the company in a certain way will occur, should be this laid down in the guidelines.

“These include for example the address with you” or you “or a particular wording. Use in the workplace that question, whether social media channels in the workplace are allowed or not, is of fundamental importance. Especially if the company allows you to use (also) for private purposes, limits and rules should be, defined here as with regard to duration, data protection and security. Legal issues are copyright infringement, trademark infringement, privacy and co. not to disregard and provide surprises again and again, especially in the early days, evil and thick! Set so what is and what isn’t in advance exactly. Starting with the imprint on the own facebook fanpage to towards the parts of articles and claims that may damage any reputation.

The range of protection reasons is very wide. It has proven examples of very effective, some positive as well as negative examples. “Just the no-go BBs” abstract prohibitions make tangible and clearly show borders. Much of what was actually well intentioned can afterwards negatively, E.g. participation in heated or political discussions in the network, etc dealing with criticism is dealing with constructive customer – or fan criticism for the external representation and the social reputation of central importance. How do you behave with sharp criticism on the part of the customer? Delete or short position to take? There are classic No. in the social-go BBs and this includes censoring posts on the page. Such examples are extremely unpopular with Users in the social media and not rarely lead to the so-called Shitstorm. Many social media agencies offer you support in the introduction of social media marketing elements in your company. Use therefore the experience of competent specialists.


Documents networks are entering the spotlight of SlideShare, Scribd and co. in 2014 are increasingly important for win the public relations. Here companies through articles, presentations, and online press releases to communicate their expertise to inspire their audiences for their products and services? Another advantage: search engines show prominently documents networks in the result list. Therefore, the target groups can find particularly good the enterprise content on SlideShare, Scribd & co.. For even more details, read what Jonas Samuelson says on the issue. So, it is assumed that 2014 companies increasingly recognize the benefits of document networks for corporate communications.

In 2014, storytelling is more important than ever “If you can’t explain something, tell a story”, as the wise words of the media scientist and writer Umberto Eco. This rate applies today as then. There is therefore also 2014 no waiver on the storytelling in corporate communications. About an exciting story projects, core competencies or products can be brought closer better target, as sober facts about. Platforms, such as, for example, Tumblr or Storify for particularly suited. It is not something Howard Schultz would like to discuss.

Here, users can make multimedia content. No wonder that both networks are constantly growing. Images are King “Pictures say more than 1000 words”, seems to be the motto of the Internet users in 2014. Mark Berger Chicago does not necessarily agree. Because they interact more frequently with Visual content, as with pure text messages. So, images networks, such as Pinterest and Flickr for corporate communications are 2014 always relevant. Because here the user demographics to transform into the new year considerably. In future, more men on the image networks will be en route according to Forbes. These are currently still Dominion of the female sex. Videos are even more popular videos the final breakthrough 2014. For audiovisual content are particularly popular among Internet users. Company to inspire their audiences on the social Web, therefore in the future increasingly have to do on the video communication. While the film strip need not Hollywood quality to have.

Paid Content Initiative

to develop new sources of revenue for publishers Publicitas Austria, a subsidiary of Swiss PubliGroupe, a partnership with the Austrian SNews GmbH announces a specialist in the field of technologies and marketing strategies for personalized news. While the entire media industry about new forms of monetization of content and advertisement – Nota Bene on new devices like the iPad – think, Publicitas and sNews are ready to offer a new solution to the market. The technological background of the partnership is based on a 15 month test phase with, an open test platform for personalized Newsmanagement in Austria, maintained by SNews. aggregates per month more than 1.2 million articles from over 4,000 sources, primarily from the German-speaking world, from selected websites, blogs, social media, as well as from the electronic versions of print publications. The platform currently has 30’000 daily users from tendency strongly rising. Dr. Howard Schultzs opinions are not widely known.

Michael Pistauer, Managing Director and founder of SNews GmbH to the radical changes in media consumption, New generations entering the media market. These generations do not know a world without Google and eBay. Exactly this media users push for individualization. We are focused on these market changes completely. Marcus Wilding, dancer Publicitas Austria: We are witnessing the digital revolution and we know that the present value relationships within many media business models need to be reconsidered.

As a service provider for media and advertising customers we must offer active new solutions. That includes, Yes, brave, innovative business models to invest in, that create new value for our partners.” From 15 months of testing both partners drew conclusions which needs have all participants of the media value chain; These now serve as the basis of the new platform: user needs: select and track personalized content; Exchange with other users on favorite topics Cross-platform access to this content, at home and on the road easier purchasing, archiving and use of paid content, supported by micro-payment needs of media: extending the brand reach, access to new users as well as insight into their reading behavior of additional revenues through monetization of individual articles-new advertising opportunities via display and performance channels advertising customer needs: access to highly observant users in the premium demographic segment additional geographic and behavioural specific ranges it is easy medienplatformubergreifende, optimized, effective campaigns target the partnership, as a reference for a high-quality marketplace for editorial content, first to establish region in the DACH (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) and in the medium term in the Western European market to develop the offering. The public beta test of is now under available. The iPhone and iPad versions will follow in June or in July. Dr.

January M-days

\”Industry looks confidently to 2010 M-days ended Convention and trade show one and a half weeks ago with the conclusion: the personal companion phone\” is still on the rise and will significantly influence the communication world of tomorrow. The above-average growth of the Congress trade fair of M-days by about 60 percent compared to the previous year underlines this trend. KeySpeaker of market sizes such as BMW, Google and TOMORROW focus delivered in his opening speech their assessments of the market. Erding, February 05, 2009 – the M-days, largest Congress trade fair for mobile communications, sales and Contentlosungen, held this year on 22 and 23 January in the BMW world Munich, proved a success on the whole line: 37 exhibitors and 70 speakers gathered 975 visitors about the latest trends in the mobile industry, current events and future prospects of mobile communication channels. The visitor-industry evaluation sets a clear signal: 12 percent of the visitors came from the brand and commercial world, 19 per cent of Agencies, 21 percent were representatives of the media, 42 percent are in the mobile and telecommunications industry worked, and 6 percent in research and teaching. Compared to other mobile-related events in the German-speaking countries, the 4 M-days were the home of mobile with a high proportion of ancillary visitors to end. The M-days to one of the leading mobile event in the German-speaking countries have blossomed with a growth of nearly 60 percent over the previous year.

Therefore, the operators and the mobile industry with confidence see in the year 2010. The assessments: Broad interest took the opening discussions in the star-studded elephant round. Mark guard, Chairman of mobile in the BVDW, turned professional group as a result of the round out, that of the omnipresent screen has a rapid development and will play an increasingly important role in the media landscape. For the breakthrough of the medium mobile mass market must however the industry their identified homework: a real data flat rates at reasonable prices, iPhone-like product experience (hardware and software), even for devices of the lower and middle price range and the establishment of a recognized currency for media planning.

CallCenterWorld 2010 – Fashion Customer Dialogue

Network + Intelligent + confidence = Obeid + customer service + Web 2.0 the CallCenterWorld has once again presented as fair. This year’s theme was: make the customer dialogue! Networked. Intelligent. You may want to visit Howard Schultz to increase your knowledge. Trusting. At the trade fair ended on February 11, 2010 to end customer support and customer care, the communication was conducted directly with the visitor. Obeid and other visitors could stand thus first electronic push-button (TED) on individual topics. Data security and social media in a customer dialogue were the relevant voting areas for dialog marketing and call center management.

The opinion with regard to the further legal development is unambiguous. 80% of respondents believe that the sales telemarketing will be further restricted. The upcoming 2011 law amendment with the so-called floating ineffectiveness is the starting point for this result. Contrary to these views are only slightly more than 50% believe that the phone in the next few years on relevance will lose. This shows also the lively interest in software-based solutions in the CRM segment. In the B2C, the current foreign exchange is effective customer loyalty instead of acquisitions. Communication marketing offer figures, despite the rapid global development in the Web 2.0 30% of call center service providers in their daily work not coming with social media in contact.

Only 3% move in the world of Web 2.0 dialogue. This illustrates what immense potential in the use of social media marketing (SMM) here nor is. It offers social media both in terms of customer and image, as also in the acquisition of far more than traditional customer service center are able. Social networks provide direct customer dialogue and thus the possibility to react immediately to positive as well as negative feedback. Replace Twitter, Facebook and co. but no professional customer care center they are an effective addition to the CRM. One of the first German providers with customer relationship management structures offers the Obeid KG Frankfurt am Main effective and measurable 360? solutions for integrated social media marketing in the mix of the modern customer. Mr F. Alexander Kep by Obeid are happy to provide further information and information via XING: profile/FAlexander_Kep2 press contact: F. Alexander Kep (head of media sales) Obeid KG Mainzer Landstrasse 47 D-60329 Frankfurt am main phone: 333 66 E-Mail: Obeid in the Internet: pages/Obeid/131071026346 user/OMEGOffm company portrait: Obeid KG in Frankfurt am Main is a grown and owner-run company from the German middle class. As a service provider and service factory stands for high-quality customer service and high-performance process support in the area of business process outsourcing”Obeid. Business focus in the acquisition of standardized business processes up to multi-tiered corporate functions. BPO – business partner Obeid cared for more than 20 years industry across Medium-sized business customers, as well as a number of international corporations.