The Problems

The truth is that if you’re starting but want to live Internet, you must definitely distancing you from the first group and have the necessary attitude to know that immediately You will need to join the second group assuming responsibilities and engaging you, above all, with yourself. But the important thing here, is that, make the internet a profession requires, as we have said much effort, but mostly…THINKING.Think, and think a lot. Exercise thinking productive, investigate, create, develop thinking is complex. It is a process with a direction that leads to a specific result. But in this medium, to obtain results, it is necessary to become a thinking person and in order to think productively it is necessary that our mind is more free, clear and uncluttered as possible. If we hang our head to the problems, these, will prevent that we can exercise real productive thinking. LET’S TALK ABOUT THE PROBLEMS. Many new entrepreneurs who have decided to try luck in this new world that is the Internet found something disillusioned. Some believe having discovered that trying to make money on the net is much more complicated and difficult than imagined, ultimately, is only one major problem that adds to existing ones and that it may be too much; Therefore, in time become tenacious seekers of a better future, to find the first stumbling blocks, they are approached by doubts, and decided to postpone the project for more forward hoping that the propitious moment, and conditions reaches best or what is worse, they decide to abandon definitively. I have bad news: the propitious moment will never come, and whatever is when you decide to be part of the world and E-commerce, you will have, no doubt, and as in any part, problems to solve.Begin along this path is not easy but it is not difficult, and although results do not appear in earlier times, this times and results is highly subjective and I mentioned it in another earlier article (rules for every entrepreneur) the truth is here everything is possible, just need to make decisions and take action, nothing more than that.