United States

New explorations on land and offshore will be carried out, new refineries will be installed and will produce, and staff will be trained, but the structural change of energy demand is so strong, that the ability of the industry likely to keep the levels of supplies reduced for years to come. For example, today China, 1,000 inhabitants, 10 of them possess truck; in India, 12 for every 1,000. The world average is 111 per 1,000 inhabitants, and in United States, 760 per every 1,000. Learn more about this with Andreessen Horowitz. A modest increase in China and India to levels global average tenure of vehicles would have a major impact on demand from petroleum and derivatives. Not the slightest doubt, that analysis shows aspects that deserve pastar him attention, such as manifests itself such as the demand for oil and its impact in relation to the offer, in addition to other factors cited, where power increasingly more is used in the manufacture of transformers articles, foods, fertilizers, raw materials for production demanding a high oil consumption for its use, forcing producer countries to draw up strategic plans that guarantee its offer and avoid that demand influences prices ever rising particularly these last few years that it has already expressed symptoms, warning signs of what may happen in relation to the marketing of oil and the negative consequences that this can be derived. Us adds addition Garcia in his analysis, which some analysts think that, faced with higher prices, the variable price will serve for destroy demand.

There are some signs of reduction of gasoline consumption in the United States, as a consequence of prices above $4.00 a gallon. Another factor that could produce very high oil and derivative prices is encouraging the development of alternative energies, which face high prices of crude oil would be economically viable. Solar and wind energy, liquid coal, hydrogen, biodiesel and nuclear energy would be alternative energy sources. Some major multinational oil companies are already seriously evaluating the development of nuclear energy as a way to position itself in the future as integrated energy companies, faced with a reality of the decline in its oil reserves and the increasingly difficult and costly that it represents to extract a barrel of oil. * Source: (el-carabobeno.com) original author and source of the article.