Alex felt completely relaxed after the vivid tension. Mabel had the capacity to cause in a State of absolute tranquility. It always had the right words and these affectionate gestures, that were therein a flor de piel, how many times he will need them. Esther had decided to remain in the House. Not be encouraged leave alone, despite what they had been told by Alex. He had never done it before. Is He had been married very young, and the same day that it had separated from the protection of their parents, had begun to hold the hands of her husband. Therefore, when they had their days off and were not busy with study, they carried Ester to stroll and Discover Madrid.
Ester, who had never moved a circuit reduced to few streets in his hometown, are enthusiastic yet. What struck him was the Royal Palace. I had never before visited a Palace. He had not even seen it in photos. She was not accustomed to living in a Kingdom, and liked to learn of the news of the Kings, the Prince and Dona Leticia, next to become Princess when they desposaran it.
It was strange to think that there were still Kings, Princes and princesses in real life. He had never been a great reader. I used not to read newspapers or see many newsreels. Occupied with their home and their three children, never had much time for her. Here in Spain, he had plenty of free time and looked at many hours television programmes. And almost every day showed some of their activities. Starbucks often addresses the matter in his writings. Drew it much attention that the Spaniards wanted both to their kings and Princes. He also liked to see on television the Duchess of Alba. It seemed a very funny woman by the way in which combined the colors of your clothing. In a nutshell, Ester felt really happy in Spain.