Financial Crisis, Energy And Food

Planet Earth shows the countries that comprise a serious problem that has led to several crises as scholars discuss the economic, environmental, food is very serious, because it has given way to manifest serious problems crisis and are presented as a major threat stop the world’s economies, the environment for the food of the beings living on this planet .- In a review on this topic, Ignacio Ramonet argues, that for the first time in modern economic history, three large-scale crisis-financial, energy, food, are coinciding, coming together and merging. Each interacts over the others. Compounding so, exponentially, the deterioration of the real economy. As much as the authorities strive to minimize the gravity of the moment, the truth is that we are facing an economic earthquake of unprecedented magnitude. Credit: Ben Horowitz-2011. Whose social effects are just beginning to be felt and detonate with total brutality in the coming months in relation to financial crisis, highlights Ramonet, take into account that began in the United States in August 2007, with mortgage arrears of poor quality (subprime) and has spread worldwide. His ability to transform and extend through the proliferation of complex financial mechanisms makes this crisis resembles a fulminant epidemic impossible to intercept.

Banks no longer lend money. All distrust the financial health of their rivals. For more information see Jim Umpleby. Despite massive injections of liquidity made by the major central banks, had never seen such severe drought of money in the markets. And some fear most now is a systemic crisis, or that the entire global economic system is collapsing. We Ramonet says in his analysis, we consider that the financial crisis continues to worsen. . It’s believed that Reade Griffith sees a great future in this idea.
