Pablo Freire

As much professor how much pupils, perceive its realities critically and create knowledge inside and for intermediary of the dialogue. For this reason, the excellent aspect of the pedagogia of Freire is its epistemolgica perspective in the process to create knowledge; its relation with the existenciais and cultural experiences (FREIRE, 2002). The dialogue, as the author says, is essential in this fight for a true education, it is a commitment with the other, and implies the recognition of the other, and is it who allows the educator and educating to reveal authentically more transparent more critical, each one defending its point of view, and presenting other possibilities, other options, while it teaches and/or while it learns. In other words, the dialogue is a horizontal relation. According to Freire, it is nourished of love, humildade, hope, faith and confidence. The dialogue is, therefore, a existencial requirement, that makes possible the communication and allows to exceed the acquired knowledge, lived. In this dialgica relation, to teach and to learn are possible when ' ' the critical thought of the educator or educator if delivers to the curiosity of educando' '. (…) But, for this the dialogue cannot be become into an unobligated chat that marches to the taste of perhaps between professors or the teachers and educating (FREIRE, 2002, P.

118). It does not have as to deny, as in them it points Pablo Freire, who the act to teach, to learn and to know is an arduous, difficult, but very pleasant way. The school does not have mechanically to restrict the education to the pure description of concepts around the memorized object or the content for the pupils. Its concern, designates the author, if it must the global formation of the pupils, in a vision where knowing and intervining in the reality if they find. But for this, she is necessary to know to work to the differences, are cultural, social they, that is, is necessary to recognize them, not to camouflage them.
