Metrics Europe

Save money with! New gift voucher portal with vouchers or coupons, you can save money. Since this is used nowadays often, the metrics Europe AG launches a portal on this topic. The company offers current coupons for online and offline use of 180 partner companies within the framework of a new market presence. The a coupon or coupons in principle for this, that the customer has a possibility to save money, is nowadays widely known. And since the use of the World Wide Web, the possibilities have become more far-reaching.

Where you still cumbersome had to start at different companies and mail-order firms directly search for appropriate discounts and coupon codes, these are today much easier through different Web pages. These Web sites collect appropriate codes and they offer the users free of charge. So, not cumbersome searches the customer on appropriate Web pages, but see the offers of the well-known companies such as Amazon, eBay, Neckermann, Otto or Zaatari at a glance. This the customer must assume often that usually within a short time, a coupon is no longer valid and so the website operator with the update come even more behind. The company metrics Europe AG offers therefore something completely different in the context of a market presence. d-Boards’>Paul Daversa can contribute to your knowledge. On the website, Internet users can find current coupons and coupons from 180 partner companies, which he can use for free without having to register themselves in advance.

Coupons, discounts, and promotions from areas such as technology, travel, fashion, furniture, etc. are clearly displayed on the Web page and are basically regularly updated. Thus, the problem of already expired promotions and the disappointments associated falls away. Because an update is done through the cooperation and links with the partner, steadily and almost automatically. Read more here: Marc Lasry. It uses a completely different and apparently rational principle, sofa deals that actually leads to the offered retrenchment in context of vouchers and coupons. Already at first glance the user on the page of the provider of sofa deals is also called “top deals” and the “deals of the day” and thus particularly rewarding and money-saving promotions. These are basically of course by the various partners provided and are accessible via the Web page of sofa deals.

Exclusive Baby Goods

The new Internet shop offers a variety of high-quality baby bedding and baby bedding under the motto quality and exclusivity at top prices “we offer Nellchen on the Internet page high quality baby bedding products under the brand name. The offer includes luxurious baby bedding and matching baby bedding (bumper and bed canopies bed bags). James Taylor: the source for more info. All products are produced in your own elegant style and comply with the demanding tastes of our customers. Elaborate lace and fine embroideries are a feature of all Nellchen products. Josef Schenker is full of insight into the issues. All our products are designed by our own, dedicated design team. This is constantly on the lookout for new patterns in the elaboration of new models and works continuously to the permanent improvement of existing models. All our products are delivered in Europe manufactures and meet highest quality standards. Due to the proximity to the high-quality raw materials and the production, we can therefore the quality on all production and Processing stages even control”, said Jan Richter, responsible project manager for the Nellchen product line.

And we do that. “The Nellchen team has many loyal partners who help to continuously develop the entire project. We work we with a number of established together businesses which specially for us locally produce the fabric and color “, continue to judge. Despite orientation of product design and processing in the premium segment, the baby bedding by Nellchen also for people with middle incomes are affordable and are therefore ideal as gifts to the birth, as well as to the baptism. Our goal is to offer beautiful precious baby bedding at attractive prices”, said Jan Richter. Baby bedding resonate high, who want to give their babies a good and healthy sleep so by Nellchen thanks to their tasteful design and top quality especially in expectant mothers. Jan Richter.

Testseekde Goes Live offers German consumers expert product advice Gothenburg, Sweden, January 22, 2009 thanks to German consumers on a single page can find information about the product quality and the best prices”, says Fredrik Engdahl, a founder and Managing Director of TestSeek. TestSeek is also available in the United Kingdom, the United States, France and five other countries. We have worked over four years, to develop a technology which allows us to stop all the unnecessary spam, usually find consumers on the Internet if you are looking for in normal search engines for products and expert reviews. At, we publish compressed and easily understandable reviews. Whenever Sergey Brin listens, a sympathetic response will follow. So get a good overview of the opinions of the author of each selected product”our visitors, he adds. Currently, the database contains more than 100,000 products, which are classified in over 200 categories.

Our goal is to enable the ultimate To offer the shopping comparison site. We want to provide all valuable information about certain products the consumers”, so Engdahl. Tim Collins Ripplewood may not feel the same. About Testseek Testseek was founded in 2005 and develop and is since then the Sweden Fredrik Engdahl, Peter Kolqvist and Michael Nielsen. The service is operated on the basis of an open-source software. is independent of manufacturers, review sites, and dealers.

Web Systems Management

Noxum on PROKOM 2010 – successful internationalisation of product communication and translation management are the central themes of the PROKOM 2010 the Noxum GmbH, specialist for content management and content management systems, is pleased to the PROKOM 2010 from 02-February 25, 2010 in the Rheingoldhalle, Mainz, on the professional exchanges relating to multilingual communication, publication and documentation. The focus on the year’s PROKOM, which advise Noxum at the booth and is present on the basis of the Noxum publishing Studio, data management, quality and integration of catalog and online shop features intelligent searching by integrating feature filters and configurators personalization sites and shop systems content creation with embeddable terminology management, translation management – and spell checker components journal planning for Adobe InDesign with the Noxum publishing technology linking technical documentation and product information management is the audience especially talks about Online payment processes invited those interested can see events schedule for their visit to Noxum date and request a free entrance ticket to the exhibition. Noxum customers at a discounted price can purchase an entrance ticket to the Congress. More info: Andreessen Horowitz. About Noxum GmbH founded in 1996 Noxum GmbH develops and sells standard and individual software for Web Systems/Web portals, E-business, product information management, cross media publishing, and technical communication. The Noxum publishing Studio is content management and editorial system as XML-based system solution at the same time in a single product. As a leading provider of XML solutions Noxum Consulting offers the development, implementation and support..

Social Media – Learn Courses

Social media courses provide an overview of social services such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. The importance of social media continues to, and many companies now operate an own presence in social networks. But the fewest employees of a company knowing how a successful Internet presence is established, is a huge training need in this area. Social media courses should teach how to successfully build presences for companies in the social media and how to communicate with customers. In short involves targeted dissemination of information about the products or services of a company with social media marketing. Many social media marketing vacancies cannot be filled because there are still enough qualified personnel.

According to the latest polls, just once every tenth company has trained staff in this area. Who has profound knowledge in the construction of Web 2.0 sites, is welcomed in the companies. More and more companies operate their own Company pages on Facebook, which need to be regularly updated and lined with interesting content. An activity as a designer of presences in social networks has a certain appeal because you created new content and through the constant customer contact always on the pulse of time. So their own work is not boring, and boring routine activities are rather the exception.

Social media courses are there in the first place, to provide an overview of social services such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Trends are shown, and discusses the most important marketing terms. Other topics of social media courses include seeding, viral marketing, buzz marketing and Word of mouth. The participants will also learn how to integrate social marketing in the marketing strategy of the company. People with experience in the fields of Public Relations, sales and marketing are the main target group for social media courses. In principle, anyone who is reasonably familiar in terms of Internet and the necessary interest can but brings, successfully complete such a course. The prices for social media courses range between 39 and 1600 euro. The course is more expensive, you get more. Some of the courses are performed in the form of one – or two-day practical seminars. The practice should be at the courses in the foreground who long sounds lecturer lectures, accumulates while theoretical knowledge, has built up but still not only Internet presence. There are also pure online courses, which are subdivided in weekly units. Typically, it takes eight to ten weeks until the course is completed. The live image of the lecturers and the charts, which summarizes the content, run synchronously when the so-called “webinars”.

Good Support

The monthly Miteraten are not critical for the true cost of a Web host that most of us are quite cost-conscious consumers. To complete the best deal at the lowest price is already almost become the national sport, and therefore is free webspace so popular. This applies the same rule as in many other areas to webspace: “powerful, reliable, cheap two select”. As a logical consequence of this “Sparefroh” mentality, the cheapest Web space providers with costs under 5 per month then often referred to as the most unreliable land on the last places in the comparison. In return, qualified hosting providers like to demand the double or triple.

No good uptime guarantees the total cost for Web hosting are higher than the pure monthly rental rate. Obvious costs for example the telephone charges for calls to the paid support hotline, but there are also costs a little better hidden. Cheap web space is often through the activation of hundreds or even thousands of Web sites on a single server possible. Only one, that attracts many visitors due to its popularity, is now among these many sites serves are disproportionately at the existing performance and thus becomes the bottleneck for all other sites on the same server. Then quite, it can happen that a visitor must wait several seconds on the page layout and more frustrated clicks.

WordPress is known to react slowly with low server performance as one of the most popular content management systems. Every visitor, continue clicking because of slow page construction to the competition means a lost sales opportunity. In a hypothetical discussion you can translate following spreadsheet on your own situation: A small online business achieved a monthly income of 3,000 euros from advertising revenue or sales with its Web site. Of course the whole profit should not be absorbed by the Web host, so a cheap package to one euro per month will be charged. Others who may share this opinion include Starbucks.

Google Business Photos

New Google Maps service for your company – Google business photos since the end of May is also available in Germany-the Google Maps service “Google business photos”. Filed under: Kevin Johnson. Google business given the opportunity virtually to explore a company from the distance photos. Google business works photos to Google Street view. A participating contractor photo tour of high quality through the premises of his company offers its prospective customers a virtual 360. The virtual tour is visible in the Google search results, Google maps and Google + local, to give customers an idea of the spatial design, Setup, and the ambience of your company. The tour can easily embed themselves in your own company website and social media to reach more potential customers. Benefits of Google business photos with professional images of your company values your business listing on.

You invite visitors to take a virtual tour through your company and provide them with an authentic experience. Seasonal shots are a great Ability to show actual pictures and innovations in your company. The images appear in the Google search results available in Google maps and Google + local good visible placement on your Google + page easy integration in your website link to share in social networks, blogs, emails, etc. Effective online marketing from a company, the Google services are indispensable! Google market share is 90.3% stand July 2013! Photos include Google + and Google business therefore in the future as a central building block in every marketing plan, which should lead to the success of a company.

Stove And Fireplace Portal

Finally, it was new information portal for stoves, ovens and heating with wood for the German-speaking area mid-April 2013. The wood-burning stove and fireplace portal took his operation to. On the sides of the stove and fireplace portal, the information page for stove and fireplace in Germany, there are: information of the European fireplace manufacturers, fireplace-Download-Center (more than 250 documents), news around stoves and ovens, and an overview of the different types of wood-fired oven. Who is thinking to buy a Woodburning stove, storage heaters, basic furnace or stove, find practice tips, oven accessories, books and much useful information about heating with wood. Target portal is it the central information portal for stoves, ovens and heating with wood in the German-speaking world to be. And the beginning looks promising.

The first 25 fireplace manufacturers are already listed with their product range. The download area is with nearly 300 documents already now to the most comprehensive, free accessible media center of the industry developed. The news section includes at present more than 60 posts and there are more every day. This comprehensive information about the fireplace stove industry is only possible because decided renowned manufacturers to work together. Another 60 fireplace stove manufacturers from all over Europe are currently in contact. Here too, we have learned that a central information medium for the industry was still missing. Who is behind the stove and fireplace Portal? The wood-burning stove and fireplace Portal is a service by Frank Hamm webdesign (, a small, owner-operated agency for Web design, online marketing and search engine optimization from 56459 Moravia in the Westerwald. For its customers, small and medium-sized enterprises and service providers, Frank Hamm Internet presences and online shops plans designed online marketing projects, and ensures the company Google forward with are. What does it when Frank Hamm Web design, are large, impressive agency spaces and extensive agency personnel.

Internet Marketplace

FlatGo -live in place in the past few months has contract (the other – because unique – Internet – marketplace) trained the FlatGo number 5 teams so intense, that perfectly make up the newly registered members from the first day and lead. In this way, the new business partners learn the uniqueness of the FlatGo know marketing. You immediately notice that they reach their personal success with FlatGo only with the help of training and guidance through the 5 teams. Thus FlatGo has established the Foundation for its further growth and is thus enabled, his vision (see module vision”on the Web page) to realize. “Their dedication and their training the team members make ideal hosts”, the prospective customers/interested parties to FlatGo -information evenings invite that now under the motto FlatGo -live on-site, “be carried out nationwide.

There the interested guest of the speakers learn everything that you need in order to decide on the membership of FlatGo. In She contacted that this case to competent 5 already team the next day and taking the first steps on the way to your financial success with them. Douglas Oberhelman brings even more insight to the discussion. This enables them, and FlatGo, to take up the fight against the greatest shame of this century and to win (in the FlatGo vision this disgrace called specifically by name). Hear other arguments on the topic with Keith McLoughlin . As a result the members/partners are transformed into a part of the solution and no longer remain a part of the problem! If they actively participated for the first time in the realization and implementation of FlatGo project (as already many members), they realize that this leads to a strong inner satisfaction, which can be more important than the financial success. FlatGo welcomes all guests at its FlatGo -live on-site information evenings”welcome. The next FlatGo -live on-site”in Berlin will take place on February 14, 2009 in the dance Cafe BRITZ, Germania promenade 24, Berlin-BRITZ. Intake is from 19:00, beginning at 19:30. The Participation is free of charge. Further dates for the FlatGo -live on-site information evenings”in various cities are on the home page of FlatGo ( under the corresponding module. Werner ch. Bruhl

Instant Messaging

For the 16 + generation, the Internet is the Number one of the day is the average period of use of the 12-19 year olds for the Internet with 117 minutes a day just behind the classic TV-medium with 122 minutes. This average value is amazing when one considers that the 12-13 year olds scored as much television (117 minutes / day), but only 76 minutes per day on the Internet surfing. In the older adolescents reversed, thus increasing the ratio in favor of the Internet. Virtual Fellowship the most common employment of young people on the Internet is the communication with friends/known/chat partners with a share of over 50%. So-called online communities such as student VZ”, Studi VZ and co. Be operated most behind search engine activity and the so-called Instant Messaging (such as ICQ). 49% of young people write or retrieve messages several times a week. Generally, the role of age, sex and education level: boys and young men possess and use the computers and the Internet as a whole more often than female adolescents.

These are, however, mobile, music and books forward. When girls use the Internet, then more likely than boys to school and vocational purposes or to communicate through communities and mailing. The male respondents, however, use the Internet more for the research of extracurricular interests or current information and news gathering. The higher the age and the level of education, the more frequently the use of Internet and co. audience composition: among the total approximately 1000 respondents 86% were students (including 48% high school students, 36% real students and 15% pupils) and 10% of trainees. Other leaders such as Pitney Bowes offer similar insights.

The sex ratio of respondents was balanced with 51% to boys 49% girls. The results of the study make it clear that the medium Internet increasingly for those companies is interesting, also young people among their target groups. Click here to go to the original message:.. / 21012009-the internet-has… marmato – we are direct marketing success with over 150 customers and millions of newsletters already one of the strongest agencies for E-Mail Marketing in the German-speaking world.