MARIA TERESA LEON (1903-1988) "Writing is an incurable disease, breathing without which it would be able to die." Maria Teresa Leon. THE VOICE OF THE TAIL OF THE COMET "To you, Maria Teresa remembered and reminded us of Rafael Alberti-who are you now, your 83, lost and forgotten who you are, like a white shadow of a Shakespearean forest, I want to remember separating the branches that confuse us, that was not the memory and remains even as the first day of our entry into the war that the military rebels who began the July 18, 1936. Can you understand? "In the cemetery in Majadahonda (Madrid), on the grave where his mortal remains rest are written these words of his teammate Rafael:" This morning, love, we are twenty years. "Maria Teresa Leon was a wonderful writer, novelist, playwright, screenwriter, biographer, essayist, translator, with an important work in quantity and quality. In his early books showed a trend toward the story dream and legend, then to the evolving social and political denunciation. Maria Teresa Leon Logrono Goyri born October 31, 1903 and died in Madrid on December 13, 1988.
He studied at the Free Institution of Education and a Bachelor of Arts. In 1920 he married Gonzalo de Sebastian. After a brief marriage, she moved to Burgos, where he worked in the Diario de Burgos, signing his articles to protest for the rights of women and culture, under the pseudonym of Isabella Inghirami. In 1929 he returned to Madrid, where he met Rafael Alberti's house Sofia Valero writer, friend of Menendez Pidal, uncle of Maria Teresa, his aunt Mary Goyri, wife of Don Ramon, was the first woman in Spain who earned a Ph.D.