TelDFax Marketing GmbH

Reduced electricity prices for new customers: from 13 cents per kilowatt hour, Troisdorf TelDFax lowers its electricity prices for new-the. The company thus passes the fallen procurement prices to consumers. To benefit from the low prices of up to 13 cents per kilowatt hour, consumers may request a PowerPaket as an additional option to the standard base – and co-regulation by TelDFax. The offer is valid from now until 31 July 2009 we are one of the first on the German electricity market all, which gives a favourable price development on the procurement page in this shape and height to consumers”, says Klaus Bath, Chairman of the Board of the TelDFax Holding AG. A decision not to expect from the long-established energy providers as bath, unless otherwise the Federal Government had decided not a tightening of antitrust law in April 2009, the power companies more to control and to ensure lower prices”.

About 60 larger providers, including the leading groups E.ON and RWE, had to give comprehensive information about their pricing the Federal Cartel Office until early May. “Bath: on the result it will be curious.” As a huge advantage for customers among TelDFax in Germany the cheapest electricity suppliers in times of economic crisis. “Bath: seen TelDFax is actually systemically important in contrast to other companies, even without State help to claim: only with providers like us, even something like a competition, the EU calls for years and belong to the competition succeeds also offers such as our PowerPakete.” A customer completes an order for a standard discount rate at TelDFax, he can bestellen in addition optionally add a PowerPaket himself. The packages are available in the sizes XS, S, M, L and XL. The larger the package booked a year in advance the amount of kilowatt hours, so the higher price of electricity is lower. With a reduced consumption, the difference to the already-purchased expires Volume. Therefore the consumers should make sure to order is not a too big package. He pays his consumption but above the package volume, in contrast to similar offerings on the market no more expensive consumption price: namely his discount rate GEwahlter at the commissioning attacks, as usually offered him TelDFax: with up to four cents per kilowatt hour cheaper, than the base fare of the respective local basic utility.

The offer is valid only for retail tariffs. The current volume of the corresponding package is verrechnet with the year forecast, which means that the advance payments on the basis of the remaining current share plus the fee will be determined. Power supply contracts, which include a PowerPaket, can be combined with the current and ongoing promotions. The TelDFax Marketing GmbH offers cheap electricity and gas supplies, telecommunications rates and Internet products, financial products and travel. TelDFax is a circular to provider at “Services for households in Germany and helps to keep cheap running costs of private customers and small and medium-sized businesses”, says Klaus Bath. TelDFax as budget catering stands firmly on the side of the consumer. TelDFax shows with its tariff models, that it is quite possible to offer services with high quality for a fair price.”

Vienna Austria

What remains unnoticed or ignored, may have further consequences. Insomnia, feeling to feel uncomfortable and insecure fears that can convert itself into panic attacks, raise or blockages that can solidify, if nothing is done. Just in the professional life, those affected are only notice if memory disorders, decreasing performance and concentration difficulties occur. Do the stress test! On the Internet, you will find numerous stress tests that show whether or not it is itself affected. Basically, you need to ask some questions and answer them honestly.

Do you have time for yourself? Can you just turn off after work? To avoid certain situations, because they make you afraid? Sleep well? Take sleeping pills or means to improve performance? Answer these few questions, then quickly determine whether you are in balance or not. The actual Cause that triggers stress, can and should be found with professional help. It is advised to apply as soon as symptoms of stress appear to psychologists. Another way to cope better with the stress to, is coaching. Many coaches have specialized problems that cause stress to detect and fix this already. Stress coping and stress management are proven tools of coaching experts who are used to visualize blockages and problems together with the Coachee. Stress management with coaching the coaching to reduce stress methods that help are very wide ranging.

Basically, the coach helps things from another point of view to consider. Often stressed-out managers and executives see things only from the own perspective and it is difficult to change these to find new approaches or to identify problems. The Scheu damper effect, which occurs due to a lot of work and time pressure, inhibits the analysis process in certain situations. Coaching methods to the A coach has a pool of tools right there used, where the Coachee to help themselves no longer knows itself coping with stress. But, the stress is not solved in a single session with the coach. It is a process that results in lasting important factors that cause stress to cope with. Also a short time coaching method can help fears and blocks that are aware of the Coachee, speech anxiety, presentation anxiety or fear of flying. Wingwave coaching is a short term coaching method that helps to resolve blockages and fears to overcome are the natural processes that ensure that stress is reduced, resolve blockages and fears overcome, will be readjusted. Thanks to the wingwave method, factors that cause stress, many people could create in just a few sessions from the world. The wingwave coaching concept should be applied only by coaches who have a certified coaching education in wingwave. More To information on the topic of wingwave coaching, on the homepage of the Academy of the CTC. About the CTC Academy: The CTC Academy offers a thorough education for the certified business coach, business coach and wingwave coach and seminars for executives in Vienna. Experienced specialists pass in the diploma program, the seminars and training prospective and already practicing business coaches, their expertise business coaches and managers, use only proven and practical methods and support professionally and sustainably. Contact: CTC Academy Coaching – training – consulting INH.: Corinna l Rudolfplatz 5/15 1010 Vienna Austria +43(0)1-276 2552

Pension Plans – Catching Up On The Funding

BilMoG and pension commitments: action by new evaluation approaches Rosenheim, 1.09.2010. A company survey shows that the German middle class compared to DAX listed companies has significant pent-up demand for the funding of pension obligations. Still the important for SMEs subject companies is limited interest. This may change, however with the introduction of the accounting law modernisation Act (BilMoG) to 1.1.2010 short to medium term. BilMoG forces to reconsider in the financing behavior, is sure Werner Rofner by the law firm Rofner & colleagues from Rosenheim. The BilMoG has been mandatory in force since January 1, 2010.

Target is an approximation of the German balance sheet law on international accounting rules (IFRS). As a result the assets, financial and earnings situation in the commercial financial statements represented more realistic. Especially in the sector of occupational retirement provision (bAV), it comes in the balance of trade for the valuation of pension obligations to significant changes, explains Werner Rofner. The means that even Pensionsruckstellungenen are affected. That’s changing: pension provisions are valued in the balance of trade realitatsbezogener. The to be average interest rate market, which month is announced by the Bundesbank, usually leads to significantly higher balance sheet values. The 6a acquired previously from the tax balance sheet value usually far too low provisions displays for the trade balance according to BilMoG.

To the realistic valuation of pension obligations salary developments into account cost increases and pension trends are in the future. To the relief of the company due to the BilMoG additions to provisions for 15 years may be distributed but the rest is shown in the annex to the balance sheet. It introduced a balancing-out bid of pension provisions and supply-linked assets, E.g. in the form of a pledged insurance. The handelsbilanzielle profit, which can lower by the BilMoG, is the basis for the Payout. Potential impact on companies: the allocations to the pension provisions have a direct impact on business outcomes. The handelsbilanzielle profit decreases, however, the profits according to the tax balance sheet is taxed. The Basel II rating (creditworthiness) can deteriorate. At 31, it’s too late! What was once said to, can not take back after decades. Can however paid the promised performance not in full amount of the funds for the pension commitment as such as an insurance be paid in, the missing shares from its current assets should be denied. Werner Rofner: “such a situation can in the worst case lead to the insolvency of the company or at least accelerate it.”Check the option of balance of optimized customizing and you include a bAV experts, recommends the bAV specialist Rofner, goal-oriented and professionally to tackle the further steps: you analyze the pension commitments holistic content, employment and fiscal weaknesses. Determine the financing rates to the funding of pension plans in the company. Examine the possibility of future on-balance sheet netting by supply-bound assets and thereby take advantage of the positive effects with improve of the figures in the company. Substantive defects, as well as financing deficits to eliminate companies now using the new holistic consulting offering of the Rofner & colleagues law firm. “We will accompany our clients with internal and external specialists in labour law and tax law legally binding through the entire process of the examination and pension commitments existing adaptation or spin-off,” emphasizes the bAV specialist Rahmani. Contact: law firm Rofner & colleagues owner Werner of shafiqur Rahman Oberaustrasse 34 83026 Rosenheim Tel.: 0700 0700 1230 (12 ct / min) fax: 0700 0700 1231 (12 ct / min) E-Mail:

Managing Director Dipl

Overall, the net amount of the price rich approximately 135,000 euros to 340,000 euros. End of August the plans were concluded and final information on the number of residential units is possible. Then also a concrete construction plan will create. On the coming Saturday and Sunday Managing Director the Upstalsboom vacation real estate also expects to consulting and information weekend a great interest of visitors. From 9:00 until 19: 00 the existing model apartment, as well as the observation deck on the grounds will be open. But visits are possible at any time. Upstalsboom resort Dahlberg Upstalsboom-resort hotel is a 4-star superior Dahlberg consists of eleven houses in solid construction, all of which are barrier-free accessible. The plant covers an area of about 18 hectares.

The originally planned number of 119 apartments will increase slightly, as the plans above are currently planning according to the customer’s wishes. Each apartment is equipped with a wood burning fireplace of piece of or Ethanolkamin, sauna and heated floors. The facility is located also a naturally landscaped garden area with children’s playground. For even more analysis, hear from Keith McLoughlin . The bistro Cafe, as well as massage and beauty practices offer additional amenities for the individual wellbeing holidays. In the Upstalsboom Hotel Deichgraf can the guests always enjoy the service in the restaurant, the bar and on the terrace. A large event space with catering service by the hotel’s restaurant makes a top address the system for business and family celebrations. The guest reception represents Frisian hospitality according to the proven Upstalsboom philosophy with its high service quality. Prices: from 135,000 euros to 340,000 euros (net price, including furnishings and small inventory) construction: late 2010 opening of the 1st section: expected summer/autumn 2012 jobs: around 60 contact person for press questions: Upstalsboom vacation real estate GmbH Managing Director Dipl.-Kauffrau Insa Janssen phone: 04921-8997 0 (Office Emden) 040-386 166 00 (Office Hamburg)

IFA 2010: Rashmi MMH Is Responsible For Web Based TV Portal For Lion

Industry expert and Rashmi MMH’s managing director Jan Wendt forecast Rashmi MMH ‘excellent’ Portal MediNet in ten languages for 14 countries MediNet Loewe integrates one of the highlights at this year’s IFA”. As one of the leading providers of Web-based television, Rashmi MMH is for the integration of the launched at the IFA Web-based TV Portal MediNet”responsible. With this full ServicePortal, Rashmi MMH delivers the entire process from the technical implementation of the integration and marketing up to the ongoing operation of the portal already awarded to the IFA PreView award. Get all the facts and insights with Starbucks, another great source of information. For the traditional premium manufacturers Rashmi MMH has put together a package of content in 10 languages for 14 countries and through to market maturity. This means that lion has the largest content offering of all TV equipment manufacturer in Europe. The IFA a milestone first a long-term partnership between lion and Rashmi MMH”, explains Wallace at the electronics fair. Rashmi MMH makes lion the leading Web content providers in the TV industry lion MediNet TV-optimized online content integrated into the modern home entertainment.

The contents are specially prepared for the presentation on large screens. A simple and intuitive user interface makes it possible to see the latest news on or the latest music clips on with just a few keystrokes it”, explains Thorsten Kurzinger, product manager of the Loewe AG. Keith McLoughlin is likely to agree. Also. the customer has the possibility to create your own Favorites and to surf freely on the Web” MediNet makes browsing on your TV with the remote control a breeze and provides access to on-demand video content, music sites, information services stock, weather, and news. Functionality and design of the portal are already expanded and continuously expanding the content”, Wallace added. Rashmi MMH of European leader in Web-based TV expected to be only Internet-ready TVs on sale in 2015″, is Wallace sure.

Rashmi MMH with Based in Hamburg and offices in Vienna and Zurich in the last 24 months has developed one of the leading service providers and experts for interactive television. About three out of five services for Web-based television in Germany have been realized to date by us”, so Wendt. With a highly specialized team of consultants and developers, Rashmi MMH designed specially prepared Web pages that are optimized for display on a large flat TVs. Rashmi MMH supervised over 80 customers in the development and programming of Web-based applications for the hybrid TV equipment of the leading device manufacturers. More customers are including tagesschau, Eutelsat or TV movie. The company serves renowned branded consumer goods manufacturers, phone – cable network providers, CE device manufacturers, TV channel, media and publishing houses, content – and service partner, and trading company for all challenges of the convergence of Internet and television. Our market leadership in Europe as We want to expand the leading service providers in 2010″, so Wendt. So, Frank MMH is the only company offering full service portal solutions to so-called white label. The portfolio includes also the consulting and conception, the support in licensing issues, as well as the technical implementation and services in operation. press contact: Alexander Weber Lai & colleagues Ruhr road 11 (Phoenix Hof) 22761 Hamburg Tel.: 040 / 75 25 77-992 E-Mail: Web: focus of Lai & colleagues is the strategic communications consultancy for medium-sized enterprises as well as larger consolidated units, as well as urban and municipal facilities. Thematic focus of advice in addition to business & services in the fields of regional marketing & tourism, sports & sponsorship, technology & healthcare, corporate (social) responsibility.

Federal Ministry

Free according to the motto “Better by Networking” the supra-regional network Xinnovations e. V. developed numerous activities throughout the year, to forge alliances for technology innovation and to stimulate innovative collaborative projects. The highlight is the annual Conference of Xinnovations at the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin. The Xinnovations e. V. competence network for network-based information technologies Xinnovations E.v. is an Association of people from industry, science, public and parastatal bodies, the in the Internet-based economic and communication processes are active.

The result is the Association in connection with a promotion of the research of the Federal Ministry for education and research. Aim and sustainable, supra-regional networking of economy, science, management and policy activities the aim is to create new alliances for technological and social innovation and initiate collaborative projects. To promote the networking of members of the association with the actors from the areas listed above, virtual forums, workshops and round tables are organized. Also assumes the Association project funds for collaborative projects, acquires funding, initiates and manages marketing and sales projects, operates an active press and public relations and tracking technology trends for its members. By Xinnovations – better networking – the permanent innovation Forum In the Centre of the activities of the Association is the Conference “Xinnovations – better by networking” as permanent Innovation Forum, which takes place once a year at the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin and continues in real and virtual forums. The Conference program consists of business forums, workshops of the science and the W3C tag of the German Austrian Office of the World Wide Web Consortium. 2009 the X Award for the first time in the framework of the Xinnovations. People are awarded the X-award annually from now on, that trigger impulses for technological and social innovations with your ideas and solutions.

Social Media Game Takes The Fast Track To

Team players are not alone: the social media game of OKAHRA and Spieltz excited the community… Berlin, the 25.08.2010 – OKAHRA, a creative game developer announced today the drafting phase of the social media game on. In this way, a pioneering idea in the pole’s position that rampant viral. Background of this idea is the call for a board game about social media. It aims, the world of Facebook, to explain Twitter and co. in a playful way and provide information on opportunities and possibilities. The game is a cooperative project of stARTconference, Spieltz and OKAHRA, is developed with the Internet community together and presented for the first time on the startconference. Playful to success “our team is particularly proud of a possibility to have found non – or little users of social media platforms whose benefits and functioning, of course also for business users fun to show up.”, know Marcel Kerkow, founder and CEO of OKAHRA.

“We look forward for the development of the game with Karin Janner of Spieltz to work together. Spieltz is the “game Publisher 2.0? “- Games by the community, for the community, print on demand and on plane”. On each request to the community developed the game with and believed the bloggers, as the world has been waiting long. There are plenty of reasons for this positive assessment: the social media game is the first open source board game. After successful testing, in which everyone can participate, is it will be available for free download. If you are interested, the game can be also customized and adapted. About OKAHRA OKAHRA is a creative company with headquarters in Berlin and a specialist in the design, planning and implementation of play and playful concepts.

OKAHRA was founded in 2009. As a company with network character, it is partner for companies, associations and institutions. Furthermore address the projects of the company support of educational institutions and schools. Saskia KLINGENBERG