Coaching Performance

In this vein, it is important to note that regardless of the model that the coach decide to use, be aware of: a) the underlying assumptions relating to learning, b) type of learning who wish to foster and c) what the ward will get coaching as a learning intervention. Another aspect that should be the guardian have clear, at the time of choosing the strategy to promote or facilitate learning in the process of coaching, is related to the purpose of coaching for learning or coaching for performance. Regardless of performance coaching represents per – is learning. Below is a table that summarizes the differences between coaching for learning (himself) and coaching for performance: differences between Coaching for learning (himself) and Coaching for performance. Coaching for learning Coaching for performance tends to focus on what is happening on the inside of the individual. It acts on the basis of the external working environment.

Implies an increase of the knowledge, techniques and skills of the individual is based on individual skills in the workplace. He is the new information, assumptions, beliefs and feelings that result in changes in the way in which the individual is unfolding in the world. It can be measured in comparison with standards of external behaviors. Note: Own elaboration strategies according to the style or model of learning. Recent business practices and coaching literature make a special emphasis on the learning model based on the experience of David Kolb, developed at beginning of the 80’s and posits that a single loop learning. More recently they have included notions of the triple loop and double loop learning Argyris. Learning of a loop is just repetitive and never-ending; involves helping the ward to embody a new technique through a growing learning, as the development of techniques for more effective customer relationships. For its part, double loop learning takes place when the coaching is to reshape and restructure the underlying beliefs of the cochee, to make it able to do different things; This kind of learning could imply the ability to visualize a problem in any other way, so the ward, for example, will not only improve their techniques in the chairmanship of meetings, but it also considered possible alternatives to celebration of these.