Aeronautical Sector

Minister of Industry, Miguel Sebastin, indicated that the investment of the State in the aeronautical sector will be of 3,724 million Euros in period 2010-2014. The minister emphasized the necessity to maintain the investing effort in a sector that maintains 40,000 jobs of " quality and innovadores". The Spanish minister of Industry, Miguel Sebastin, indicated that the investment of the State in the aeronautical sector will be of 3,724 million Euros in period 2010-2014, with a grant that this year will be congealed in the same global number that the past. Sebastin, that went to the inauguration of the Aeronautical Hall Him Bourget, in the outskirts of Paris, emphasized the necessity to maintain the investing effort in a sector del that " we must be orgullosos" because " in spite of the crisis &quot has continued creating job;. In that respect, it indicated in declarations to the press that at the moment represents near 40,000 jobs, " with a quality use, very innovador". According to the numbers updated of Strategic plan for the Aeronautical Sector (WEIGHT) of quinquennium 2010-2014, this year its department will consecrate 727 million to him Euros, the same that the past exercise.

The number would have to raise 741 million Euros in 2012, 764 million in 2013 and 765 million in 2014. " Spanish technology, technology punta" According to Sebastin, the aeronautics industry " it has demonstrated that the Spanish technology is technology end " in programs like the one of the military transport plane A400M and the future commercial apparatus A350, both of Airbus. After remembering that the weight of Spain in the manufacture of a350 represents a 11% of the total, it added that " it is necessary to follow manteniendo" that weight. Source of the news: The aeronautical sector, with 40,000 uses, will receive 3,724 million of the State until 2014

Ford Motor Company

Ford Focus 3 German automobile publication Auto Bild gives little new information on the Ford Focus 3. According to preliminary data, the next generation will be at the end of 2010. The first production line will go hatchbacks in three-and five-door variants. Sedan and coupe-cabriolet will appear later, not earlier than 2011. However, you may be new and for Frod Focus body type – a compartment. The probability of this increases osbytiya the fact that the new Ford Focus 3 will be global, and in the North American market is very fond of two-door cars.

Ford is at the stage of Ford Focus 3 will pay great attention to quality details. This will increase price of the car. Add a new interface for managing vehicle systems with the on board computer. It will be something like the BMW iDrive or COMAND from Mercedes. No cost and without having to upgrade in the range of engines. Most small-caliber gasoline inline-four will be the volume of 1 liter.

Thanks to the turbine is able to produce order of 90-100 horsepower. However, the increasing popularity predicting another gasoline engine. With 1.6 liter and it Trubino buzhet have a capacity of about 150 hp Not without its beloved Europe diesels. These power units are represented by line 90 to imposing modest 200 horses. Most likely, Ford Motor Company will make a worthy successor of modern-day car class C. New Ford Focus 3 communicates to be of higher quality, intelligent and economical. Ford Focus RS is on the streets of England official sales of the new Ford Focus RS has not begun, except for pre-orders.


In this note we will help you with your question how to recover to an ex-wife? Now, are how we do? OK, after that pass a reasonable time of the gap back to the reunion with her. It will be excellent if this time you kept some kind of contact, since this is a type of additional and somewhat essential aid that facilitate you your task. If you are prearado to begin the task of regaining it; then you must find or make the time to engage in a good talk, and in order to achieve something simple, like invite them to leave. To achieve this, trafficking is something elegant but not necessarily expensive leaves aside the flamboyant, seeks that he likes and to be dazzled by the place and mainly by you, that the changes that she both faulted you are part of the past and to highlight your changes. Since at this appointment, the main thing is to listen and observe how is she now, if you have changed your life in the last time, if their tastes remain the same, that all changed and she is no exception. Once completed this We will try to get another appointment, a perhaps a bit more intimate, where you can show him that separation served something and the time had separate help you to think as soon as you love it and make the necessary changes in your life and way of being. Already materialized this rematch, comes this way, organizes a dinner, it can be bought or made by your own hands, gives equal, what does matter is how made dinner and how you behave you now, since we are trying to regain it and have care thoroughly on each and every one of the details to dazzle her. Now well, and returning to dinner, remember that although everything have to be demonstrative, attentive, since she should note the changes acquired during his absence in your life, then follows with a pleasant talk, and between dinner and dessert finds out that you need to be closer to her. Keep in mind what he wants and whether or not she is willing to give you another chance, and if it does, this time don’t you miss it, a it is likely that if you go back to ruin already there is place to new attempts. It is important that you consider that new opportunities does not always occur in life and people unfortunately are not always willing to offer new chances, why if you’re a lucky, do not throw it to lose and remember what you must do to make the question of how to recover to an ex-wife is only a question of the past. On the next page you will learn some tricks to win back your ex. You can apply these psychological techniques to make your ex want to be with you again. If you want to learn how to recover your former beam quickly, Click here test 4 that travelers in time read Aeromental Videos Amsterdam European city, fall into the hands of fachistas, Antifas and Mohammedans ‘ new Europe – new Eurabia the quote of the day Penultimate day time in your locality (chile) News GEEK note Richie.