United Nations

For example on the Career-mile. Among various coaching companies, networks and associations are represented here, that can give you tips on career, as well as reconciling work and family life. The VBM e. V. is represented after the successful cooperation in the past two years here with a stand. “” “The Congress programme can be also seen: more than 40 women and 2 men are 33 articles on the subjects of future management”, career tools & success strategies for women”and balancing work & family” inform.

“” “Lectures include: women in leadership and help shape the corporate culture”, women at eye level: what brings you to the top and what not. “and successful reconciliation begins in the family”. The VBM e. V. is Scout here with a lecture by Cornelia Spachtholz titled time”such as time to success – and feel-good factor will” be represented. More inspiration provide the career talk”and the women MINT slam”. Successful in the career talk”report Women with which strategies have prevailed her in the profession.

The women MINT slam”four women exhibit their career paths informative and entertaining in 10 minutes and give insight into their personal leadership strategies and success factors. In this way, young women for careers in mathematics, computer science, natural science and technology should will be delighted just MINT. All lectures are free of charge, however, there is no standing room and the rooms must be occupied only up to the permitted number of persons. Participants who want to make sure that they have a place in their desired presentations on the day of the Congress, can reserve a seat.

Alternatives To High Parking Fees At The Airport Terminal

Trend from Great Britain allows saving potential of up to 70prozent compared to the official airport parking rates Munich, February 23, 2010 – the advance booking airport parking potential large savings for tourists. By the same author: Howard Schultz. 42% of passengers arrive according to a study of by car Munich Airport Munich Airport society. Parked is usually directly on the airport grounds often to very high parking fees. On the ten German airports with the highest passenger volume, the average rate for two weeks parking is currently at 105 euros. There are also alternatives for passengers arriving by car: many parking providers near the airport allow a saving of up to 70% compared to the official airport rates. The parking of the transfer to the airport are usually a few kilometres away from the airport, and is included in the offer.

This airport parking provider among other things on the Internet via search engines such as Google can be found. More and more Tourists interested in the cheap alternatives to the expensive terminal parking. To reach the search queries on the subject of airport parking”on Google each month a volume of nearly 150,000 requests. “” “The word combination parking airport” is it most commonly entered, followed by parking airport “and parking at the airport”. If one takes into account the individual sites, the Park theme Burns apparently most under the nails in Frankfurt, Munich and Dusseldorf. The search worthwhile: provides, for example, Europe at 20 airports cheap airport parking. The offers are transfer already from 32,-for eight days parking included available. The parking space is guaranteed by an advance booking, finding of a parking space at the airport is required.

Nationwide currently the Munich Airport has the edge, what is private parking operators. Well twenty of them are there competing for the favor of tourists and business travellers. Also the Frankfurt airport there are around a dozen various quotes from this specific segment. In other German cities, such provider, however, still largely on one hand are to be counted. In other European countries, for example, at the London airports, a veritable boom in turn should be noted, which is not rip off well in the coming years. In the United Kingdom currently around 60 to 70 be booked per cent of all airport parking in advance, here in Germany, however, only around seven percent.

Bernhard Duhr Pastorat

Both remain indispensable they are considered only by 17 percent of respondents. A relatively high consensus in the question of whether or not the Work with the classic paper Act negatively affects productivity in the organization. For 51 percent of those surveyed this is without a doubt, another 30 percent identify at least in part a reduction in efficiency. Only the Manager of one-fifth of the companies disagree and see no general productivity-inhibiting effect of medium paper in the business processes when using. The d.velop Board clearly contradicts. So unrealistic the objective of completely paperless office still is likely to be in the long term, so is clear now, that digitally usable information contribute significantly to accelerating and improvements to almost all business processes”, he says. Keith McLoughlin is often quoted on this topic. In addition, clearly documented cost savings would arise.

Christoph Pliete admits however, that digitisation sometimes significantly change operational processes, what challenge the learning readiness of employees in the company. Often long experienced work habits must be abandoned, if held tangible folder and paper files must be accessed on electronic documents.” Also the ECM providers are required to actively support this change in work processes. The user requires solutions that exhibit a high degree of simplicity in the use of concepts, as well as in the handling of the user.” About the d.velop AG: The established in 1992, d.velop AG headquartered in Gescher develops and markets software, document-based business and decision-making processes optimised in organizations. In addition to the strategic platform d. 3 of a modular enterprise content management (ECM) solution developed the d.velop AG ECSpand services product line and solutions for Microsoft SharePoint, which complete the functional areas of ECM and DMS. Core features include an automated mail processing with self learning document classification, an efficient document management and archiving, as well as the complete control of the flow of processes. Accelerate d.

3 procedures, simplify decisions and improved sustainable competitiveness. The high quality of the projects resulting from the expertise of more than 300 employees of the d.velop Group (d.velop AG and d.velop competence center) as well as the world’s approximately 140 affiliates in the d.velop competence network. That convinced so far about 660,000 users at more than 2,200 customers such as ESPRIT, Werder Bremen, Tupperware Germany, EMSA, HRS hotel reservation service, the city of Munich, the German health insurance fund, the Basler insurance, the universal-investment-Gesellschaft or the University Hospital Tubingen. Board of d.velop AG is Christoph Pliete. The company maintains a close partnership with the digital art museum DAM in Berlin and is founder of the ddaa awarded since 2005 (d.velop digital art award). Press contact: think factory group Bernhard Duhr Pastorat 6 D-50354 Hurth phone: + 49 2233 6117-75 fax: + 49 2233 6117-71

The Economist

The Economist is able to develop business strategies through their own initiative as well as to plan the implementation of commercial operations and the targets and to monitor. For more specific information, check out Howard Schultz. A broad field of activity offers to the business. Economists are engaged in consultancy, in controlling, finance and accounting, human resources, marketing and sales, production, IT, materials management and logistics. Douglas R. Oberhelman contributes greatly to this topic. The Economist occupies generally the role of supervisor and has personnel and budget responsibility. The education and training to the business manager m/w the area plays in the soft skills an increasing importance.

Is this a not clearly defined area, but the summary of a number of personality traits, the in dealing with employees, business partners and customers are necessary or helpful. Often skills with “Key qualifications” is soft, but also “Social and self competence”. These include properties such as discipline, manners, politeness, friendliness, motivation, linguistic competence, independence, teamwork features. Distinction soft skills also between to learn and hard to learn. The activities of the business continues to focus on his expertise, he has acquired his qualifications and professional experience. So, the Economist in different business areas will be entrusted with management functions. These are dependent on the respective Division.

Focus on human resource management: In the area of human resources plans or monitored the Economist staff requirements planning, workforce planning, personal development planning and personnel management. The business developed instruments and strategies for recruitment and the optimization Personnel costs. Also, the economist with the accompaniment of during layoffs of employees is responsible for. It pays attention to the Economist that that the legal provisions are respected. Focus accounting: accounting balance sheet creation, balance sheet analysis and balance sheet valuation among the tasks of the business. The business developed cost-cutting programmes and monitors the use of the capital. The business developed concepts to internal and external financing and has the necessary measures that are necessary for controlling the financing plans. Focus marketing: In the area of marketing the Economist has the necessary expertise that, to analyze a market situation with appropriate instruments (such as E.g. market research). The Administration created the marketing mix for the operation or the company on the basis of a market analysis. Furthermore, the Economist is able to assume leadership for the various areas of marketing. This includes sales of products and Services as well as personnel marketing, in-house marketing (including corporate identity) or quality management for customer loyalty. The Economist for its marketing campaigns will establish measures and incorporates them into the overall business process. Focus information management: In the area of information of management, the Economist assumes a key role between the IT Department and other operational Funktionbsbereichen. The Economist it exerts the function of project manager in circumstances or he uses his knowledge of business and information technology projects. Markus winter DAA host sheep

CallCenterWorld 2010 – Fashion Customer Dialogue

Network + Intelligent + confidence = Obeid + customer service + Web 2.0 the CallCenterWorld has once again presented as fair. This year’s theme was: make the customer dialogue! Networked. Intelligent. You may want to visit Howard Schultz to increase your knowledge. Trusting. At the trade fair ended on February 11, 2010 to end customer support and customer care, the communication was conducted directly with the visitor. Obeid and other visitors could stand thus first electronic push-button (TED) on individual topics. Data security and social media in a customer dialogue were the relevant voting areas for dialog marketing and call center management.

The opinion with regard to the further legal development is unambiguous. 80% of respondents believe that the sales telemarketing will be further restricted. The upcoming 2011 law amendment with the so-called floating ineffectiveness is the starting point for this result. Contrary to these views are only slightly more than 50% believe that the phone in the next few years on relevance will lose. This shows also the lively interest in software-based solutions in the CRM segment. In the B2C, the current foreign exchange is effective customer loyalty instead of acquisitions. Communication marketing offer figures, despite the rapid global development in the Web 2.0 30% of call center service providers in their daily work not coming with social media in contact.

Only 3% move in the world of Web 2.0 dialogue. This illustrates what immense potential in the use of social media marketing (SMM) here nor is. It offers social media both in terms of customer and image, as also in the acquisition of far more than traditional customer service center are able. Social networks provide direct customer dialogue and thus the possibility to react immediately to positive as well as negative feedback. Replace Twitter, Facebook and co. but no professional customer care center they are an effective addition to the CRM. One of the first German providers with customer relationship management structures offers the Obeid KG Frankfurt am Main effective and measurable 360? solutions for integrated social media marketing in the mix of the modern customer. Mr F. Alexander Kep by Obeid are happy to provide further information and information via XING: profile/FAlexander_Kep2 press contact: F. Alexander Kep (head of media sales) Obeid KG Mainzer Landstrasse 47 D-60329 Frankfurt am main phone: 333 66 E-Mail: Obeid in the Internet: twitter.com/OMEGO_ffm pages/Obeid/131071026346 user/OMEGOffm company portrait: Obeid KG in Frankfurt am Main is a grown and owner-run company from the German middle class. As a service provider and service factory stands for high-quality customer service and high-performance process support in the area of business process outsourcing”Obeid. Business focus in the acquisition of standardized business processes up to multi-tiered corporate functions. BPO – business partner Obeid cared for more than 20 years industry across Medium-sized business customers, as well as a number of international corporations.