ECB Interest

Some in the real estate market has changed since the spring. Magdeburg, 11.09.2013. The time of cheap construction money seems to tend to the end, because of mortgage rate rises again. At the same time, real estate prices also rise. The dream of homeownership is understandable but not always easy to implement. The historic, German interest rates low makes attractive the purchase of real estate. Especially in large cities, home ownership is becoming increasingly expensive, an end to the upward trend is not in sight. Thanks to historically low interest rates for mortgages, buyers were able to finance their real estate so far but at least very cheap.

But since America’s Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke hinted in May that gradually more slowly rotate Peso interest rates go up again, says real estate expert Thomas Filor. The consequences get to feel that finance the own four walls with credit buyers in Germany. In the spring, construction money cost 2.31 percent ten years running average. Since then, the interest rate to 2.76 percent has climbed. Experts appreciate that the price for the construction money will rise until the end of 2014 to 3.0 to 3.5 percent. The mortgage interest rate not on the current level of the bargain be remain forever. But also a rapid increase in first unlikely. “Because the European Central Bank (ECB) has the key interest rate at the record low of 0.5 percent lowered and announced him for a long time on the current culture or a lower level” to keep.

The economic situation in Europe and the statements of the ECB suggest that mortgage lending in Germany are still highly attractive”, confirms Faraman. Besides, he adds: the run on real estate in Germany will remain. More and more Germans to buy an apartment or a House. Real estate as an investment are here in Germany of unbridled popularity.” This was not unfounded, because according to the Stiftung Warentest the chance is big that a real estate acquisition pays off in the long run. Due to the prospective increase in the transaction volume on the real estate market continues to. In the last year this was 36 billion euros and thus to the highest level since 2007. For more information,

Old Greece

The History of the current Education in offers to one vastssimo and valuable knowledge to them. The man after-modern searchs the affirmation as individual, face to the globalization of the economy and the communications. The after-modern education is critical … Recently Keith McLoughlin sought to clarify these questions. Trabalha more with the meaning of what with the content, much more with intersubjetividade and the plurality of what with the equality and the unit. It does not deny the contents. For the opposite, it works for a deep change of them in the education, to become them essentially significant for the student (GADOTTI, 1998:311). The current world coexists a multiplicity of educational movements, influenced for the old Greeks, the iluministas, naturalists, pragmatistas, racionalistas, among others. By the same author: Ian Sinclair.

The current society lives deeply this diversity of pedagogical movements, searching through innovative methods of education the solution of the human problems. In synthesis, the education is not born with the man. yes is acquired in elapsing of its life. It can, as social process, to strengthen the social cohesion, acting as force conservative, or, then, to stimulate or to free the individual possibilities of homing and choice between divergent alternatives, in determined moments where if they loosen the coercitive social ways. Between these two extremities have, therefore, a half-term that must be, of the point of sight of the society and the individual, the ideal goal of all educational process. 1.1.EDUCAO AND STATE the boarding until the present moment was for arriving at a conclusion that the school is not a separate island of the historical context where if it inserts.

In contrast, it is compromised of irreversible form with the social environment, economic e, mainly, politician. Thus, in this unit she will have a boarding of the relation Education and State in the educational politics. The relation of State and Education is not recent, therefore since Old Greece, in the idea and reflections of Aristotle, who takes first the great workmanship: Politics, and of Plato, creator of a system politician, in its book Republic, in which the society model would have to adopt a system of Education where all the citizens would have equality of conditions.


Record Keeping

Bookkeeping needed and necessary for each company. The state requires that otchenast respected, and tax revenues correspond to reality. But in fact it is only our accounting department has the money, and in many Western countries, accounting – an effective and significant criterion of business, capital and industry in general. As far as our principles, our accountants can create a lot of problems with the centers of Statistics, until the imposition of fines, which naturally affects negatively on the company. Another element, which unfortunately does not have – lack of quality training, bookkeeping, which should be versed in their field and in the closing holes to yurispundentsii in the domestic legislation in the field of business. For completeness, the properties of money, the company has to put its solvency. To assess solvency (liquidity) of the company (organization) is a system of permissive factors put capacity of companies (organizations) in time and in full of the amount of calculations to make their own external Short-loan and according to estimates.

Unconditional liquidity coefficient gives a business the amount of currency and monetary investment to Short-Short-promises of the company. In the Company 'Breeze' rate unconditional liquidity due in 2001 fell by half according to the comparison with 2000, meaning it is 0.01. If the outside of its own to close the debt according to Short-loan and the company estimates (Organizations) are lured not including foreign exchange and cash investments Short-still accounts receivable, the liquidity ratio is calculated dangerous, as the case of foreign currency, Short-cash investments, receivables and other assets used by external debt Short-consistent calculations and credits.