Correctly Transplant Plants

You have decided to replant your houseplant in a new, more beautiful and suitable pot. Well, you picked up the pot, but what about the soil for transplanting plants? For indoor plants are not suitable conventional soil from the garden. In such soil can be harmful microorganisms, which at room temperature will begin with a high speed multiply. For houseplants is better to buy in specialist shops special blend. Such mixtures are universal and fit virtually all plants, and can be designed for specific plants. For indoor plants suitable turf ground, a mixture containing no land and substrates. Turf ground consists of loam and decomposed sod.

Sod cut and laid sod on the bottom until , then in a turf soil add fertilizer, lime and sand. Mixture containing no ground is made of peat. This compost is more friable and easier to work with this material. Mixture containing no land, rich in many nutrients that will allow you several months to feed your plants. In such a mixture, increasing houseplants for the purchase and recommended transplanting the plant does not change their growing environment..

If You Notice That Your Child Smokes

If you find that your child is addicted to cigarettes, he simply began to smoke. You yourself as an adult, knew about the harmful effects of smoking and that tobacco is the cause of death and many diseases, and that this could happen to your child and you do not want our child had an accident. But before we talk about smoking with your child of, consider the strategy of the entire conversation. The worst thing at this point that you can if you do know that your child has started smoking, it's an outlet for emotions, scream and thereby demoralize the child. This will have the opposite effect on your child, not the one that you want to see. Youngsters are already thinking that parents do not understand it, and if there will be conflict, a teenager just a foothold in this opinion. This does not mean that punishment is not necessary, especially if you have opened in the family that smoking is not acceptable in the house, but if you want your child to quit smoking, should be punished with intelligence and respect. Need to specify to your child about the reasons that push him to quit. It can be difficult to understand for a teenager, that all these terrible consequences of which he had heard about smoking may in fact happen to him. Perhaps you remember the man who, because of smoking became a health problem, tell them about the long-term implications of this bad habit. Remember that teens live in today and it is difficult to think about the future, take on this is the main focus of the conversation. Now, it's cool to smoke, and they can not take care of future risks. It is your responsibility as a parent to convince your children that they should quit for the good of their health.


Universal Declaration

We are not things or animals, which tend to have price, human beings have dignity. It is not superfluous to that in the preamble of the Universal Declaration of the human rights and our constitutional text, reference is made to the dignity of the individual as the basis and reason for all other human rights. On impunity impunity is the open denial of justice. Fight against impunity in the world of work, is to rescue labour relations and placing them in the field of human and humane relationships characteristic of a civilized and democratic society. Impunity is perverse by itself and engenders progressively between the members of the collective labor, in their family and social environments feelings of frustration, helplessness and hopelessness. People no longer believe in people and society. Impunity is inducer of the fatalistic resignation, not there is nothing to do, as well as the silence of fear.

Unfortunately these feelings end up imposing itself and make a lot of people, that is unthinkable in organizations and society itself, think coexistence pacifica or the reasonable resolution of the inevitable conflicts that arise across social organization. So it is important to require all organizations that establish forms for: to) develop a respectful culture with the rights of individuals, as well as appropriate control and protection mechanisms to prevent and act in cases of moral and psychological harassment at work. (b) not provide coverage to the bad treaters, umpiring measures to punish them, so that the ill-treatment do not go unpunished. To do all this only makes lack the willingness of organizations responsible for or brave and pressure continued from the people who make them. It is an approach which should be already: public administrations, town councils, trade unions, political parties, financial institutions, universities, hospitals, schools, etc. It is time for the big words and the enumeration of great ethical and moral concepts, simple concrete practice. Fight against impunity in the world of work, is to rescue labour relations and placing them in the field of human and humane, characteristic of a civilized and democratic society relations. Impunity is perverse by itself and engenders progressively between the members of the collective labor, in their family and social environments feelings of frustration, helplessness and hopelessness.

People no longer believe in people and society. Impunity is the fatalistic resignation, not inducing there is nothing to do, as well as the silence of fear. Unfortunately these feelings end up imposing itself and make a lot of people, that is unthinkable in organizations and society itself, think coexistence pacifica or the reasonable resolution of the inevitable conflicts that arise across social organization. So it is important to require all organizations to establish (ways to: 1) develop a respectful culture with the rights of individuals, as well as appropriate control and protection mechanisms to prevent and act in cases of moral and psychological harassment at work. (2) Do not provide coverage to the bad treaters, umpiring measures to punish them, so that the ill-treatment do not go unpunished. To do all this only makes lack the willingness of organizations responsible for or brave and pressure continued from the people who make them. It is an approach which should be already: public administrations, town councils, trade unions, political parties, financial institutions, universities, hospitals, schools, etc. It is time for the big words and the enumeration of great ethical and moral concepts, simple concrete practice.

Retention Politics

On other words, the working relations are based on politics of the organization in relation to the unions, toados as representative of the yearnings, aspirations and necessities? at least theoretically? of the proper ones used. Learn more at: Titan Feul Tanks. The working relations constitute, in the deep one, one politics of relationship of the organization with its proper members or, in other terms, a specialty politics, therefore the conflict between Capital and Work in a society in transistion alone can be decided by means of an intelligent negotiation poltica.' ' Pacific and friendly working relations between collaborators and companies, had generated innumerable benefits for all the involved ones, since the pacific relations perfect and emphasize the decision taking that prevents possible future actions at law. CONCLUSION the companies have commented and invested very in Retention of Talentos today the management of the human talent she is seen as a priority, however, the organizations had perceived that they train, develop and later they finish losing its employees, many times for the competition. To approach aspects that really keep and hold back the people in the organizations, they do not possess none formulates magician, the carried through bibliographical research had shown that what really the people long for is simple: Fazer an interesting and challenging work; Ter pride of the company where they work; Perceber that the criteria of it rewards is just; Receber recognition for the done work; Trabalhar with a group of legal people; Serem respected by its superiors; Ter feedback on its performance and potential for that company; Aprender new things; Sentir that the company if worries of truth about them. In the work market the essential for the organizations and its collaborators to sobressair itself beyond having definite one politics of attraction and retention of talentos, is to be really prepared for this investment, therefore still some organizations continue with that thought of that ' ' it is only plus a speech to be able to gain headings and to hang in its walls ' ' it must be developed urgently. .

Tea In The Kitchen

If your morning coffee machine can not be imagined without a cup of coffee, and time for something to cook it sorely lacking, then you need a reliable and loyal assistant. You guessed it, we are talking about this useful inventions, like coffee. Today, when the market of the Republic of Belarus, presented a variety of modifications of this device, it is very difficult to make a choice. On what settings you should pay attention to first place? What characteristics distinguish a particular model? These are the questions you can always respond manager of our bookstore. To read more click here: Titan Feul Tanks. Here you will find the largest selection of any modifications of the world's most famous manufacturers that produce coffee Delonghi, Ves, Bosch, Siemens, Philips, Vitek, Krups, Tefal, Rowenta, Fagor, First, Scarlett, Ufesa, Binatone, MPM Product, Unite, Eta. Such a rich variety and such favorable terms of purchase you will not offer more than any store in the Republic of Belarus! So how to choose perfect for your coffee maker? First of all, we must note that they are of different types. In this drip coffee maker different from the models of "espresso" is not only design but also the taste. You yourself can make experiment.

Coffee of the same class and even from the same package, it turns out completely different in taste, being prepared in different types of coffee makers. In general, these coffee lovers know that this drink can be cook in Turku, geyser or French press, or use electric coffee maker. At the same time and Cezve, and the press, and coffee Hot Spring very time-consuming and does not make life easier. But the electric drip coffee maker or machine for "espresso" – this is an excellent option, saving you time and effort. They each have their own features and benefits, so the choice here depends on your personal predpochteniy.Kapelnya coffee Historically, the Republic of Belarus came first drip coffeemaker.

SafeTIC AG: FlashVision – A New Solution For The Visual Object Protection

SafeTIC AG develops new technology for optical remote monitoring Mannheim may 2011. With FlashVision and VisioMobile, the SafeTIC AG has developed innovative technologies for the electronic remote monitoring of security-relevant premises. The new system of SafeTIC AG delivers a digital video of alarm via SMS, MMS or E-Mail in case of burglary or robberies and enables to immediate responses. The effective protection of sensitive premises developed also for small and medium-sized enterprises more and more a necessity. Read more here: Electrolux. But many business owners shy away from the sometimes considerable investment costs or determine that the commercially available security solutions are not fully meet the specific conditions and requirements on the spot.

Solutions that provide a maximum level of protection without complicated installation and that are in demand at an affordable price. The SafeTIC AG with the FlashVision product solution responding to the demand for reliable and flexible, but at the same time cost rational concepts for the electronic protection of the object. The SafeTIC AG has designed FlashVision as a complete package of several elements which can be combined depending on the locality and required security level and later, if necessary, Supplement. The break-in sensors of type Sentinel, which detect possible intruders by radar or thermal image and if necessary by means of LED-Flashbeleuchtung for the built-in camera make visible are the most important part of the system. The Sentinel detects an incident, the unit automatically triggers the alarm, while at the same time, the digital video recording begins. The robust constructed system resists also sabotage attempts and is independent from the external power supply: the Sentinel, the headquarters, as well as the other components of FlashVision are battery operated, so will also work with completely fallen from power. Another advantage of the new system is the possibility of remote monitoring via VisioMobile, a further development of the SafeTIC AG.