Professor Jonas

The intention of this manual is to concentrate the main necessary information so that the professor of any academy understands its importance as part of the teams of the company and knows to make a good work. This manual will go in such a way to assist the new professors and trainees, who not rare start full of doubts unreliabilities, how much the ones that already had gotten used to the work, and perhaps that for this exactly they can need reminders. Being all the professors of all the units following the same lines of direction, will be more easy to carry through a standardized work and of quality, with the signature Professor Jonas specialist Alfredo. 2.NORMAS AND BASIC PROCEDURES Uniform will not be allowed the use of the uniform in partial way, therefore one them ways to represent a mark is through the uniform, that is one of the tangible item for our customers. Item of the uniform: shorts, T-shirt, Agasalho (Pants and blouse) and indentification badge. Obs: The supply of the cited item above is of responsibility of the company.

Already in relation to the tennis and stockings (white), also they are obligator item and is in charge of the collaborator. Click Jim Umpleby to learn more. Use of the uniform: T-shirt on the inside of the pants or shorts, to be intent golas of blouses and t-shirts not to be disarranged and the identification indentification badge will have to be used while it will be with uniform. Obs: Exactly it are of the working hours if the collaborator will be uniformizado will have to follow the cited norms of personal marketing above. Hygiene of the uniform: To always conserve the extremely clean uniform. Personal hygiene Beard: the beard must be always well done, the orientation is to make the beard in alternating days. Hair: Men – To keep the short hair, hairdo and to look for always to carry through cuts in traditional models.


United Kingdom

The majority of the great ones in marketing, insists on which the sales only come after near seven messages from electronic mail has been sent to a list of potential clients. Many entrepreneurs do not have the patience and consistency to send up to seven messages to their lists. He is for that reason that is little probable that they are successful in gaining the confidence of his clients. Almost he is worth the trouble to reach any objective that demands regular efforts and consistency. If it wants to obtain a black belt in a martial art, must appear to the training session, one after another one beyond if it desires to you or no. I know that, after many years of experience, that the students who appear periodically to the formation almost always achieve their objective to become black belt. Nevertheless, I have met some students very talented that they lacked the patience and they only appeared sporadically.

The progress of these towards the stairs of the success, seemed too slow for them, they occurred by won and they disappeared. It is important to recognize the effort, for example as far as the students of martial arts that appear in rollovers of classification sessions, it is fundamental to congratulate them to be there. He is essential to recognize that they already have half of the classification, since they have appeared and if we remembered the famous words of Woody Allen: ” 80% of success in the life are only aparecer.” A person who never has stopped appearing in the United Kingdom and around a third of the rest of the world is Reina Isabel II. For more than half century she has appeared in a formal and informal occasion after another one, at the good and bad moments. Kevin Johnson understands that this is vital information. She has traveled thousands of kilometers, by everybody, to achieve her objective of being a servant of her country. The day of their birthday number 80, most of the country and the mass media even showed their gratefulness by their permanent adhesion.

A paper really called ” Isabel the Grande”. The greatness only comes when the efforts are consistent. The true champions, are outstanding equipment to gain championships, because not to gain all the parties, but because always they play well and with determination and, like result, gains the majority of their parties. A person loses weight because she constantly sticks to his diet and its regime of exercise. A constructor of the body adds muscular weight because always he attends the gymnasium, even though does not have desire. The true champions do not surrender when they feel tired? or boring or when the results painfully seem slow. The daily effort, creates habits and customs so that it is easier to deliver those attacks every day, but still requires hard work and the determination to ahead follow every day, does not matter what.


Internet Google

Without a doubt, Google is the motor search more important and the king of the Internet. Consequently logical, all the retailers of Internet, independently if they are based on PPC or of a branch to know the advantages to work along with his incredible power and the real advantages of his placed name. But they must pay a high price: to pay the publicity campaigns, to support prolonged and hidden marketing strategies and to work its way through flyover number one of most difficult to classify in the competition. A campaign of alternative CATHEDRAL " it is to classify in other networks like Yahoo and MSN, that offer to him to reach their results in less time than the one of Google. The following five advice will help you to create a campaign of alternative CATHEDRAL: # 1 – The norms of the one of Google also are applied to other networks, but partly.

The norms for the classification in Google are not strictly necessary if you are trying to work with Yahoo and MSN, but cannot forget them. The CATHEDRAL base is constant to all the suppliers search, but there are some small differences between all the main motors search. Although Google cannot be its objective number one, will follow present in the WEB. # 2 – It chooses a motor search that agrees with its objective. The study of the human population with reference to the vital statistics must be one of the most important subjects for the commercialization branch. By the way, each product has an objective public who would have to be knew of his branch of commercialization. Each motor search has a rank different from the hearing with special characteristics. In fact, Google becomes the motor most difficult to classify to the novel of marketing of affiliates, due to the fact that it has an ample range of cover and it takes care of type totally different from the people who Yahoo and MSN.


3 Advice To Become Super Affiliate

The affiliation marketing is very well, but you want to take it to a level superior perhaps would like to make income interesting and not a misery. The good news is that this is very feasible, the bad news is that it will be necessary a little work. If it does not matter to you to put just a little bit of him, is very possible to have good monthly income. The trick consists of choosing a method that you like and to be perseverante with. Therefore, we have three methods of work here: 1. The first method that an affiliate must watch is the use of AdSense to make money besides its rent of the affiliate.

When having AdSense in parts of your sites that do not have connections of affiliates, we maximized each page of your Web site and also we optimized the amount of income that you have, nevertheless ten well-taken care of with this, because you can not wish to use the announcements of promotion of pages of affiliates or pages of sales, since it will reduce your rates of sale if nlo we do of correct form. 2. Following that you must do for being a great affiliate is to initiate the construction of a list of electronic mail. However, this will require something of learning and work by your part for the first times you do that it, but later will be quite fast and simple with the tools to webmaster necessary. You only must make a page of landing to capture the name of the people and the direction of electronic mail, and asegrate to give something them in return by the subscription like e-book gratuitous. (Not to be confused with Reade Griffith!). When counting on this list, the door is abre to all type of things, such as joint companies or interchanges of lists.

3. And the last method to become a super affiliate is to create a product you yourself. I know it, technically is not the commercialization of the affiliate, but djame to finish. When creating your own product, your you can have your own branchs of sale of your product for you. It is going to be very difficult to reach your goals of income without having your own product, although it is possible. Nevertheless, if you really want to be with first, he is absolutely essential that your you begin to create your own ones products. Although the first time can be difficult, once a product is launching and is successful, will become very addictive and you will return to do it again.