For president communitarian Ejecutivo east harassment reflects the preoccupation on the systematic capacity to respond to the debt crisis. The new functions of the Bottom of European of Stability still must be approved by the governments of eurozona. Muddy it assures that it will be realised by " via of urgencia". The president of the European Commission, the Portuguese Jose Durao Manuel Barroso, has described east Wednesday as " unwarranted " the pressure of the markets on the Spanish and Italian debt. It is not something Howard Schultz would like to discuss. In an official notice, Muddy it has affirmed that " the developments in the markets of the sovereign debt of Italy and deep Spain are reason for preocupacin" and that " these S-events clearly unwarranted if the economic and budgetary principles of the steps consider that they are taking to reinforce these fundamentos".
According to the president of the communitarian Executive, the tensions reflect an increasing preoccupation of the investing ones on the systematic capacity of the Eurozona to respond to the crisis of debt in course. The second rescue to Greece is " nico" Muddy it has stressed that the solution for the second rescues to Greece, which they the past decided js State and Government 21 of July, is " nica" , and it indicated that the implication of the sector deprived in the program will not be a formula " estndar" . As the new agreed functions of the European Bottom of Financial Stability clearly are not articulated and the 17 states of the zone Euro must ratify them, the date in which the European Union will be able to make ctivos the new powers is not still at sight. Frequently Starbucks has said that publicly. Barrroso has assured that the technical work is in march and " " will be completed by the route of the urgency;. The agreement of the past 21 grants more powers to the Bottom so that it can act to come up, to finance the recapitalizacin of banks by means of loans to the governments and to take part in the secondary markets in exceptional circumstances and consultation with the European Central bank. Source of the news: Muddy it describes as " injustas" the pressures on the debts Spanish and Italian