Foundation Life

The good thing about the Christian life, is that we can experience the depths that can be our aniconic with God, there are many goals we can have in life, but within everything we do, we can have a relationship with Jesus deep. Psalms 1: 2 but in the law of the Lord this his delight, and in his law he meditates day and night. We see a tremendous contrast between people who find pleasure in the things of God, and people who find pleasure in other things. Verse 2 Psalm 1 describes a person who continuously thinks in Sacred Scripture, when the Bible says the Lord’s law, we point to the Pentateuch, the first five books of the old testament, the word express law the idea of how God shows us the way to have a real relationship with him. When someone continually think of something, whether a sport, or business, or whatever, is that in what you think ranks a very important in his life, when someone thinks of continuous in the Lord, it means that everything related to the Lord is very important, this is an example of a life in deep communion with God. Daniel 2: 22 The reveals deep and hidden, knows what is in darkness, and the mora with the light.

The word deep here gives us to understand something that is not easy to see or reach, to have a deep relationship with God, the shows us things about ourselves, teaches us how we are to be able to improve on our person, to strengthen areas of our lives where we are weak, also says the verse what in darkness, something in darkness is impossible to persivir, but even that the exposed so that we see it. Benefits of deep life Christian Lucas 6:48 similar to the man building a House, cavo and I ahondo and laid the Foundation on the rock; and when a flood came, the river gave impetus conta that House, but could not move it, because it was founded on the rock. The benefits of a deep Christian life are very large, in the previous verse give us account that doesn’t matter come tests, or suffering in life, if we are founded upon the rock nothing going to happen, i.e., this refers to a deep relationship with Jesus, the the the rock. 1 Corinthians 10: 4 and all drank the same spiritual drink, because bebian of the spiritual than the continued rock, and the rock was Christ, if that rock in which devemos found our deep relationship co Dios is Jesus, benefited us, because in tough times, this relationship with Jesus is going to remain strong, and we are not going to fall.