German Employers Association

It attributes to the Executive of the lacking German chancellor of determination and internal cohesion. The expectations " there are not cumplido" , it assures Dieter Hundt in an interview. It is also pronounced against any type of fiscal reduction that tries Merkel during this legislature. The president of the German employer’s association, Dieter Hundt, expressed east Saturday his deception by the coalition of government of Angela Merkel, to whom he attributes to lack of determination and internal cohesion. The coalition of center-right of the chancellor was " constellation deseada" by the economic scope, it points Hundt, in declarations to the newspaper Hamburger Abendblatt. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Jim Umpleby has to say. Nevertheless, the expectations " there are not cumplido" , it continues the j of the employer’s association, that declares " decepcionado" by the government coalition, that integrates Unin Cristianodemcrata (CDU) of Merkel, their hermanada Social christian Union of Baviera (CSU) and Partido Liberal (FDP).

On the verge of being fulfilled half of the legislature, the results reached about the government are " very below his posibilidades" , it argues the j of the employer’s association. Hundt is also pronounced against any type of fiscal reduction for the rest of legislature. " The absolute priority must be in the reduction of the indebtedness. Generales&quot is margin of no game for a great fiscal reduction before the following; , it continues, to conclude that one " mini-descarga" tax it would not take to anything either. Merkel was placed to the front of the center-right coalition after the 2009 generals, in which it obtained the re-election and with sufficient majority like back leaving the great coalition with the Social Democrats, its partners in the first legislature. Since then, the liberal ones have insisted on taking a fiscal reduction ahead, without success, which has taken to a situation of persistent dissent between the smaller partner and the rows of Merkel. Source of the news: The president of the German employer’s association, " decepcionado" with the government of Merkel