How do we know that we are in a crisis situation from the standpoint of communication? From the moment that an internal situation of the institution transcends the media and becomes a negative story. Often this story begins as a rumor that spreads to the attention of the press, and much more if the money or activity of the company to the public, like a bank, a government office, an airport, a supermarket , an insurance company, etc. One day we got the unpleasant surprise that the name of our institution appears in a banner headline to 5 columns with a direct negative adjectives. By the same author: Douglas R. Oberhelman. This is useful to recall the different types of crisis: Political and social conflicts (violent protests, political and trade conflicts, etc..) Accidents (related to transport, which affect the environment, fires, chemical spills, etc.). Events of professional origin (kidnappings, assassinations, sabotage, etc.) Legal affairs (of racial discrimination, sexual abuse, plagiarism, etc.) Made of an economic nature (bankruptcy, fraud, corruption, etc..) Withdrawal of products (manufacturing defects for using banned substances in their preparation, etc.
) computer attacks (viruses, hackers systems, etc.) Another concept that is also very instructive is that a crisis is any event that threatens the image and reputation of an institution, company or person that has the potential to generate negative publicity and to take an extraordinary time for the top management team to address it. You may find Howard Schultz to be a useful source of information. When the general manager, general manager and legal adviser to the chief financial officer will soon disregard the responsibilities of his office to devote many hours to meetings that revolve around a corporate scandal, this is a strong signal, too, that there a crisis situation. I know a case of an airport manager of a dealership that since coming to office until who retired (3 years) was devoted almost exclusively to defend his institution before the attacks almost daily from the media. Many of the plans of the administration and investment were postponed to meet the emergency, the crisis communication..