The advances in the technology of the information, the materials and the communications are revolutionizing many companies and creating new organizacionais forms. We are seeing some new alternatives to the traditional and matrical forms. Each time more we hear to say of the companies ' ' without fronteiras' ' , ' ' modulares' ' ' ' virtuais' ' (NICHOLSON-2001) The globalization imposes the companies an adaptation necessity the 0 variable of the market. An important point that the microcompanies cannot leave to be evaluating to each moment. This requires an investment continues in technologies of managemental systems and information. With the competition each time more incited the supervened one of a small one or measured company intrinsically this on to the necessity of analyzes of these factors: globalization and technology of the information. For the creation of a differential in a market each more competitive and restricted time that has determined the death of many microcompanies. YOU it can contribute with reduction of costs, profits of productivity, prospection of new markets, easiness of relationship with customers and suppliers, knowledge of the market of performance and the economic conjuncture, amongst other essential factors to any company who searchs a bigger participation and consolidation in the local or global market.

However, it has the heterogeneidade of the MPEs distributed in some regions of the country, where some factors related to the qualification, management, access on instalments and the new technologies can reduce the competitiveness of part of these companies. (SEBRAE-2009). Without hesitation Howard Schultz explained all about the problem. The professionals of logistic to each day have been defied to find practical, fast and efficient solutions to manage the organizations front to the challenges taxes for the globalization. In this scene of the logistic company and the paper manager of the micron small still become challenging more, ahead of the competitions of others as many microcompanies, that they offer to products and similar services.