Public Sector

The term of payment of fresh and perishable products is limited a maximum thirty days in those contracts which have as their object of food products fresh and perishable goods, the time limit for payment may not be never exceeding thirty days from the date of delivery of the goods. For these purposes, means fresh and perishable food products those which by its natural features retain their qualities suitable for commercialization and consumption during a period of less than thirty days or that require regulated temperature of commercialization and transportation conditions. With regard to such products there is no transitional arrangements, for which the maximum term of payment since the entry into force of the new rule is the aforementioned thirty days. The administrations payment term is limited as maximum thirty days in those administrative contracts subject to law 30/2007 of 30 October, on Public Sector contracts, the Administration must pay their payments within a maximum of thirty days. This period of thirty days will begin to count from the date of issuance of certifications of works or documents that they credited the total or partial completion of a contract. However, also in this case is planned a transitional regime consisting in: (a) between on July 7, 2010 until December 31, 2010, the highest allowable payout period shall be fifty-five days.(b) between the 1 January 2011 until 31 December 2011, the permissible maximum payment term will be 50 days.(c) between January 1, 2012 until December 31, 2012, the permissible maximum payment term will be 40 days.(d) from 1 January 2013, the permissible maximum payment term will be longer than thirty days.

Nevertheless the above, It should be noted that Navarre administrations are not governed by law 30/2007 of 30 October, on Public Sector contracts, but by the Navarra law 6/2006, contracts public of Navarra, so this amendment not apply them. The maximum term of payment of the construction companies of civil work that trabjaen to the amdministraciones shall enjoy a special transitional regime. Civil work construction companies that maintain living contracts with the different public administrations, for its part, will enjoy a specific transitional arrangements for payment of invoices from its suppliers and/or subcontractors, that allow them to accord with these superior generals payment periods: (a) between July 7, 2010 until December 31, 2011the allowed maximum payment term will be than one-hundred twenty days.(b) between January 1, 2012 until December 31, 2012, the permissible maximum payment period will be ninety days.(c) between January 1, 2013 to December 31, 2013, the term of highest allowable payout shall be sixty days. Advertising firms last payment deadlines, should be emphasized a new obligation introduced by the annotated reform, whereby societies must arrive in memory of their annual accounts information relating to payments to its suppliers.