Accordingly, establishing a relationship between the citizens and the market, the latter understood as relations of exchange between buyers and sellers, which implies regular and regulated trade where there is some competition between the participants. The market is considered as a God, which this conforming of everything you need the subject to come into line with other cultures. The level of consumption determines the degree of satisfaction of the people, their individual interests will be permeated by the idea of competing with other subjects in the tenure of power. The principles of people become weak, which causes the breakdown of social relationships, whose consequence is the unleashing of violent acts, relations of production based on monopoly capital, vulnerable and subject to the control of large power groups. From 1989 appears the second world and third there. That unipolar world is consolidated from the political, the economic, through communications.
That unipolar world comes from the paradigm of neoliberalism, which poses as central ideas: Center is the market occurs for sell is sold to win is to accumulate WINS accumulates to invest is invested to produce within this new conception of State, proposes that the State is absolute and that it is necessary to enable the absolute freedom of the market and ensure free operation militarily. Therefore, the market is end, medium and method, there is nobody more important to the market and everything that opposes the market be delete it. From a spatial perspective seeks to design strategies of globalization from the perspective of communication and of course of the economy. Then arise four fundamental ideas within globalisation: generate a single thought: we should be pragmatic, finish with dreams, hopes, utopias and other realities. We must achieve individualism: the subject develops a selfish mentality, which is based on the defence of their interests individuals. Hedonism: the pursuit of pleasure through consumption.