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But it’s not just the software itself, but sometimes it may be even more important, more to weight the manufacturer in its capacity for innovation, flexibility and partnership-based culture. Success percentage: 10-15% project management shows weaknesses: complexes are not without smart and tightly organised project methods. But this statement is so obvious, so often is in practice the mission-critical requirements violate. These include in particular, that exact specifications made, the tools are dominated and applied as well as early controlling processes implemented. In addition: it is important the integration of users and opinion leaders.

Only under such conditions can be time – and resource-conserving a CRM project and accurately implement. Success percentage: 10 – 15% no time for the testing and the roll-out: not in theory but in most real usage conditions can be determined, how the technical requirements were implemented also in fact precisely and whether the system can be controlled by the users. Therefore there is a clean test concept and a needs-based test coordination. Also sufficient time for the testing must be available under practical conditions, so that not only technically but also process that can be tested. With regard to the rollout is tactically too superior, with which user group or international projects the introduction should be started which country: ideal is a less complex user group that is but at the same time characterised by a high acceptance of CRM, because the introduction process is then more manageable and not too critical broadcast to potential problems in the company. Success percentage: 10 – 15% the support needs of Introduction is ignored in the planning: experience has shown that the first three months after commissioning a CRM solution are the hardest, but to this stage, there is usually no statement in the project plans. Also in the budget, there are usually no funds for improvements and adjustments.

The result is in practice often the problem that no sufficient support takes place, the user feeling left alone and their ideas are taken up constructively. This CRM does not live, but it acceptance weaknesses arise instead. Success percentage: 10-15% picture material can be requested at the following address: about xact4u strategy consulting AG the xact4u strategy consulting AG with their service portfolio, based in Karlsruhe, Vienna and Zurich focuses in particular on consulting fields with paramount importance for business success. This includes in particular the development of the strategy, the IT customer management as well as the performance and organizational management.