The child if makes citizen and demand in a game where she demands the presence of the mother, in way that the eventual lack of the object makes to appear such demand. Lacan (1958) mentions this distinct demand to it as something them satisfactions why the child pparently clama, being about a demand of presence or absence. The mother, in this in case that, she places yourself on this side of the desires that can supply. If, on the other hand, the necessity points with respect to the instinct, the demand is on to the pulso. Lacan (1960) defines instinct as the necessary knowledge to the satisfaction of the natural necessities of the alive being. In the upheaval in study, it fits us to focar the attention not in the instinct, but in the pulso, that, differently of the instinct, one accumulates of stocks to know that it does not have to see with knowledge. The demand is closely on to the pulso and the state of insatisfao of the citizen, that transforms everything into test of love, beyond annulling the particularitities of each object. It is the demand that announces the desire, being articulvel it in the chain of significant and its structural difference in relation to the necessity establishes the differential in this joint.
Under this optics, the desire nothing has to see with frustrated necessities, therefore it is inherent to the citizen and none satisfaction gotten in the field of the Real is capable to eliminate it, what it supports the existence of the citizen of the lack. To read more click here: Howard Schultz. In the anorexy, the citizen establishes a peculiar relation with the food offered for the Other e, making equivalence between this food and the desire of the Other, it develops symptoms that not only try to give direction, but searchs answers with regard to this desire. The food is changedded, therefore, in currency of exchange in the search of answers on the desire of the Other. It can be deduced from there that the anorxico symptom, even so introduces one that establishes a distanciamento between the citizen and the Other, does not go beyond a simple desejante position of this citizen, but marks the joy onipotente of the introduction of the lack in the Other. In this manner the anorexy points with respect to a radical position, where the imperative negation marks the precarious way of enlaamento with the Other e, as it inhabits in the field of the desire, does not have necessity suppression contains that it. It fits, therefore, to the analyst to promote a change of position of the patient with relation to the Other, in way that, exactly with its unsatisfied desires, the citizen is capable to support the Real without unchaining a confrontation with this Another one, what it finishes for unchaining an ominous autodestrutivo process.