Don’t hesitate, innovate! The do not hesitate ‘ your projects, also applies to the submission because an innovation in the desk drawer or your head any good, encouraged new applicants Fath. Future issues of our society Dr. Arndt Reuning, carrier of the prudence Wissenschaftspreises 2011, heading Journalism Award for a radio feature that focuses on the water supply of cities and their threat by two developments: the population growth and climate change. The broadcast shows technical solutions that in the future water supply of cities could be secured and discussed policy options for action. The care Science Prize calls attention with its unique profile on the critical future issues of our society.
It is worth to be,”says Reuning. Dr. Barbara Kruse took on behalf of the editorial team of the Science magazine RUBIN of the Ruhr-Universitat Bochum the Senior Scientist Award 2011 in category journalism for a special issue focusing on energy contrary. The editorial team, succeeded to bring high-quality scientific content and their backgrounds also technically readers. Connects people who are involved in science and journalism, curiosity, enthusiasm for a subject and more and more the interest and the pleasure to bring difficult issues to a wide public, puts it in a nutshell Kruse. 32 applications received in the past year, including 22 scientific and ten journalistic. The topics ranged from intelligent power counting about solar storage tank to the corporate standard compliance. The discussion of the subject of energy in the focus was at the submitted journalistic works.
Apply now: easily and to 31 March the submitted works should be no older than two years. The application documents include: the research or publication, is a Summary work (max. 3 DIN A4 pages), text with the title therefore I deal with research (max. 1 DIN A4 page), a curriculum vitae, application form and a consent form. All documents should be sent in electronic form to Christina Demmer.