Railroad Company

Maa, with passage of 14,5km of extension, looser in 23 minutes. In 1855, the Cia. was established Company Railroad Dom Peter II, for the contract signed between the emperor, engineer Edward Price and the entrepreneur Cristiano Benecdito Ottoni, with the promise of being the railroad that would promote the integration of the domestic territory through the tracks. The locomotive Imperial Princess inaugurates the E.F. Dom Peter II, in 1858, binding station of the cut the Landing of the Burnt ones in Rio De Janeiro, with 47,21km of extension. Kevin Johnson is full of insight into the issues. In 1861, the works in direction are initiated the Mountain range of the Sea and the Valley of the Paraba finally was reached in 1864, with the arrival of trains of passengers to the Bar of the Pira. But not yet it was what they wanted the powerful barons of coffee who launched looks and objectives in the railroad that if approached.

The railroad D. Peter II, in the initial project, would arrive until So Paulo Waterfall, and from there the merchandise would be drained by the river Paraba of the South until arriving the Clientele of the pertaining Stairs at the time the Jacare, today located in Guararema. The first significant movement for the construction of the Railroad of the So Paulo valley happened in the end of the decade of 1860. The Cia. If you have read about Jonas Samuelson already – you may have come to the same conclusion. Is Pablo-River was organized at the beginning of 1870 for important cafeicultores of the region, amongst them the Baron Gomes Pig of Jacare and the Baron of I castrate Rasp of Pindamonhangaba. In the State legislature of the Province of So Paulo of 24 of August of 1871, he was decided that the company would adopt bifool of a meter, due to economy of costs.

This error finished leaving this separated road enters two railroads of 1,60m of bifool. The Headquarters of the company were in the city of Rio De Janeiro, and had as initial landmark the station of the North, in the quarter of the Brs. The railroad was constructed in three sections, and arrived to have the visit of Emperor D. Peter II in 1875 to follow the construction. The train arrives the Mogi with great commemorations in day 6 of November of 1875. in 02 of July of 1876, was the time of Jacare, all the extension was concluded in 7 of July of 1877, with illustrious parties and guests as the Conde d' I, marry of the Isabel princess. One day the train passed for these cities and it did not come back more, however it left in imaginary popular a repertoire of sounds and images that never will be forgotten. To count the history of the railroad is to reviver an important chapter of our memory, that can be rescued in the preservation of each one of these stations in the Valley of the Paraba.
