
The real marketing is to make you buy (pull), rather than walk knocking on doors to sell (push). For this there are four fundamental activities: create a client (innovation), win (a competition), develop it (make it more profitable) and retain (with service and communication). Here the 10 mental frames to achieve it: 1.-Promoveras the brand rather than the product. Sell through constant promotions, without a clear brand differentiation, eventually has negative consequences: gradual erosion of margins, customers learn to buy conditioned way – according to the promotion – of-day, hardly is affiliated and is retained to a client. A brand connects with the consumer, or the prospectus, emotional way, while the promocionitis devalora and detracts from the brand.

2 Give marketing coups when competition take at least six months to copy you. A competitor equals a price in a matter of minutes, copy a promotion in days. Solid marketing coups have that be prepared and involving different areas of the business such as sales, production, logistics, technology, communication, finance, legal and information systems. It is to build a complex difference, orchestrated with throughout the value chain, and that will be difficult to replicate and, at the same time, is easy to market. 3 You take risks.

There is a rule in the pursuit of innovation, market niches and competitive advantages: fails it until it is pasted. Constant experimentation and exploration must be a permanent discipline. It is quite difficult to know what the market wants (sometimes even the same market knows articulate), so this dimension to a project to give some level of utilities in certain time eliminates any possibility of discovery. It should be pilots, over and over again, constantly. Innovations are not business until a competitor begins to earn money with any of them. 4 Come out to the field. Desktop marketing doesn’t work. Marketing people (and all level Directors) must have field experience and seek recurrently.