Neurolinguistic Programming

Targets are a key feature of the techniques and interventions in Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) applied to coaching. The first condition of the objectives and strategy of coaching is that they must possess good condition formed, this is a set of requirements that objectives must meet in order to produce effective results and ecological. Accordingly, the objectives can be well-formed when: Formulated in positive terms. In many ways it is logically impossible for the denial of an experience (eg I will not be so critical with myself), the first task is to discover what you really want (eg do you want to do with yourself instead of criticize) instead of the negative experience does not want. Defined and evaluated according to evidence based on the senses. The aim must be verifiable and demonstrable by sensory experience. The only way a goal can be useful for someone that is involved may perceive and evaluate their progress towards it, while trying to reach it. In this sense, it is necessary to establish as a minimum two sets of criteria or tests for the purpose of the coachee: a) one for the current context of coaching (eg, What would be the test for you and for me, here and now that can achieve the goal you want?), and b) another for him to use it outside the context of coaching (eg, What would be the test for you that you have reached, or are reaching, your goals set at work …