Social media courses provide an overview of social services such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. The importance of social media continues to, and many companies now operate an own presence in social networks. But the fewest employees of a company knowing how a successful Internet presence is established, is a huge training need in this area. Social media courses should teach how to successfully build presences for companies in the social media and how to communicate with customers. In short involves targeted dissemination of information about the products or services of a company with social media marketing. Many social media marketing vacancies cannot be filled because there are still enough qualified personnel.
According to the latest polls, just once every tenth company has trained staff in this area. Who has profound knowledge in the construction of Web 2.0 sites, is welcomed in the companies. More and more companies operate their own Company pages on Facebook, which need to be regularly updated and lined with interesting content. An activity as a designer of presences in social networks has a certain appeal because you created new content and through the constant customer contact always on the pulse of time. So their own work is not boring, and boring routine activities are rather the exception.
Social media courses are there in the first place, to provide an overview of social services such as Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. Trends are shown, and discusses the most important marketing terms. Other topics of social media courses include seeding, viral marketing, buzz marketing and Word of mouth. The participants will also learn how to integrate social marketing in the marketing strategy of the company. People with experience in the fields of Public Relations, sales and marketing are the main target group for social media courses. In principle, anyone who is reasonably familiar in terms of Internet and the necessary interest can but brings, successfully complete such a course. The prices for social media courses range between 39 and 1600 euro. The course is more expensive, you get more. Some of the courses are performed in the form of one – or two-day practical seminars. The practice should be at the courses in the foreground who long sounds lecturer lectures, accumulates while theoretical knowledge, has built up but still not only Internet presence. There are also pure online courses, which are subdivided in weekly units. Typically, it takes eight to ten weeks until the course is completed. The live image of the lecturers and the charts, which summarizes the content, run synchronously when the so-called “webinars”.