Aging Introduction

Matos, Nbia Andrade of. Article on Sociology of the Aging Introduction the Gerontologia is of character to multidiscipline, therefore the study of the oldness and the processes of the aging if it does not summarize only to the demographic aspects, its complexity demands that it is studied by diverse you discipline, under multiple angles. The Gerontologia and the Geriatria since its origin keep a next relationship very. However, valley to point out that while the geriatria is a medical specialty that deals with to the illnesses or the aged sick people, being worried in drawing out the life with more health; the Gerontologia is the science that studies the aging process, taking care of of the personality and of the behavior of the aged one, for this, it takes in account all the ambient and cultural aspects of the aging. To summarize, we can say that the Geriatria studies the illnesses of the oldness and its treatment, while the Gerontologia is a medical and social science that not only studies the characteristics of the oldness while face of the human development, but also the process and determinative of the aging, it concluded REBOUL/92. We can also include in its bulge, the diverse scientific areas as: biology, psychology, anthropology, sociology, economy, administration, politics, history, neurology, right and demography of the oldness and the aging, beyond these areas we can cite psychology, pedagogia, nursing, fisioterapia, fonoaudiologia, occupational therapy, odontologia and the social service. Social Gerontologia the oldness and the aging covers all the humanity and has been in guideline since the antiquity, through literary compositions and treated erudite, as for example the workmanship Of Senectude, of Ccero, writing concerning 2000 years (GOLDSTEIN p.9.2001) In the bible we also perceive the valuation in the Saying book, destined to the old ones, when it designates that ' ' the white hair are a crown of honra' ' .