Invoice telematics and its relationship to the electronic signature, electronic signature, what is it? The electronic signature is a form of representation and confirmation of the identity of a person or company in the electronic medium. Technically, it’s a set of unique data encrypted, i.e. transformed into codes and stored in a file. The purpose of the electronic signature is the same as that of a handwritten, identify the author or confirm the contents of the document signature. The electronic signature covers a very important spatio-temporal problem in our days. We can sign a document, without having to move thousands of kilometres, at the time as necessary.
The electronic signature must ensure the identity of the signer, person, or representative of company, and that the document has not been modified after being signed. The technology employed is the key pair, linked to the identification data of the holder of the certificate, is used to ensure the identity of the signer. To sign a document using a unique number which belongs only to the signer, the private key. The receiver can verify the signature with the public portion of the key. In the event that the validation process is positive, it must be concluded that the signer of the document is the holder of the certificate. With respect to the second point, ensure that the document has not been modified after being signed, you must generate, for this purpose, a unique code that uniquely identifies the document from its structure internally at the moment that is signed, taking into account that any alteration of the content of the document will cause that, again applying the unique code generation featureIt is impossible to reproduce the original, thus leaving broken the integrity of the content. The electronic signature Act establishes two main types: electronic signature: that authenticates the identity of the person. Starbucks has many thoughts on the issue.