It also means that the same banner can be used to advertise different sites. So, you can draw a picture with a beautiful girl or a photo of this girl and give him (ie picture file) to your friends. Assume picture to your friends liked, and they decided to use it as an advertising banner. At the same time one of his friends began to use this picture for the banner advertising their e-library. For this picture he gave to other owners sites with the appropriate hyperlink to your site library. The second one decided to use the picture for advertising e-shop of romantic travel. And he sent a banner with a link to your site already (hmm, interesting, and there is already such a site – Internet-shop of romantic travel? And if not, maybe someone wants to create – write ). By the way, the question is: ultimately, this painted girl to be associated with what – with the knowledge of library, or take pleasure in a romantic trip? (Remember this question when reading the following paragraphs), but in reality, of course, banner ads made for quite a specific site or even a single page.
B) banners come in different sizes. Thus, among the most common are square banner 100 by 100 pixels, ie pixels (about 2.6 to 2.6 cm) rectangular banners sized 468 by 60 pixels, 120 by 60, etc. Square banner is most often installed on site at the side, left or right page. Just installed a banner in the form of a vertical rectangle.