I research what newsletter provider such as CleverReach or mail Chimp) or which legally compliant opt-in process for me in question is II mean Welcome gift (articles that report with tips, audio / video input), can obtain after entry in the opt-in box, is valuable or entertaining for my readers – and my core themes and offerings. So it looks like Yes, this is done no, I want interested parties no welcome gift give well, am unsure whether my present attractive enough is no, I have still no welcome gift that is to do nothing again finding out what it is that my welcome gift will be requested so rarely. It can be the gift itself, but also to lack of awareness. My gift must not be equal to an elaborately designed video tutorial. An exciting downloadable PDF file can be also very valuable for my prospects. I pack it in now. III.
I maintain contact with the interested parties who want to know more about me. So it looks like Yes, I send an autoresponder email no every now and again I have and want well yes no opt-in box, I send no more than my welcome gift, I have still no newsletter or Email series developed which is to do nothing again once is nothing. If interested someone for me it’s my job to maintain the contact. So, I develop a small autoresponder series and bring me again in memory. I already send some mail to the Subscriber of my opt-in box.
But I want to make longer term attention with good content to me. So I’m going to give out a monthly newsletter or get free 7 email tutorial around my core theme. Excellent! The last stage in the virtual spring cleaning is done. You have reviewed all neuralgic corners as well as the Foundation, and now even some possible additions. There is of course much more, what you can do with and on your website. For example you can clarify your offers and book directly via the Internet. Or get more domains and develop such as a blog or sales pages. But a start has been made. Now it’s just: implement! Rachel Weinberger (M. A.) – consultant for credible marketing text and strategy coaching –