Education And Hte Media

We are talking to the media outside the classroom, continuously transmit social behavior patterns, attitudes, values, habits, information priorities, but also narrative structures, ways of organizing information or symbols with a vocation universal. Therefore contribute significantly to shaping the way we learn to understand the world in which we live. The media in education The pedagogical use of new media in education requires more than good design and projects, it is not therefore a question of whether to use alternative means to the floor in the classroom, but to use for a purpose transformative: to promote innovative teaching. The media can contribute to that end, and in any case its use can not become a goal in itself, but as a consequence of decisions taken from a particular way of conceiving and implementing education. The progressive incorporation of new media to education, in each case from its own technical genesis can be explained as a process of global search for alternatives has been addressed the need to present the reality vicariously in the classroom.

That is, the way that learning based solely on direct experience could be replaced in the field education by more abstract and elaborate formulas. Educational institutions should develop: u An ability criterion to discern and apply critical assessments of the information that reaches us as an audiovisual stream. u act in the direction to solve a series of issues involving in most cases, individual and group decisions. u Promote the search for solutions that operate on the concept of the cinema in the context of the educational activity. Find answers on: the roles to be fulfilled by the teacher in relation to the media. The domain by students of language and visual codes on curricular integration of media in the institutional education project (PEI) On the methods of production of materials. On the adaptation of these to the different educational situations. u On the development of a critical and therefore renewal of teachers in relation to the media.

All technological design involves specifically address the problem of interference associated with any scientific knowledge, referred to our work environment goes beyond the application of the means of education. The search for practical solutions on a generic educational activity, responds better to an updated view of what we understand today as educational technology, which from this perspective is a crucial aspect for implementing curricular innovation processes increasingly are better supported in a decidedly more active role of teachers in designing teaching situations.