The constant quarrel regarding the ambient impacts caused by the technologies of modern production heats the debate regarding measures of ambient preservation. Soon, the concern with the preservation of the environment exceeds the companies, arriving until the final consumers. This results in companies searching systems of ambient management as form to take care of to the desires of its customers. A system of ambient management consists of a system directed to adopt politics of protection of the environment, using, toward this, practical administrative and operational adjusted for this function. The main objective of this system is continuously to search the perfectioning of its ambient quality, to offer to its customers and the society, services and products with the possible minimum of impacts on the environment. In the organizations, the systems of ambient management, if establish, in set with other areas of the organization, as the areas of health and security of the collaborators. With this the company develops a productive system that offers its products to the market, with the minimum aggression to the environment, at the same time where if it worries about the conditions of work of its employees. Norm NBR-ISO 14001, second (SURROUNDING BRAZIL, 2009) determines the following ambient objectives in the process of creation of a system of ambient management: To implement, to keep and to improve a system of ambient management; To make sure of its conformity with its defined ambient politics; To demonstrate such conformity third; To search certification/register of its system of ambient management for a external organization; To carry through an auto-evaluation and to emit auto-declaration of conformity with this norm..
Internet Manager
This can be understood as being one of the main reasons for the premature mortality of the ENBT? s. Figure 1. Process of development of the product of technological base. Source: StratPlan, 2007. (A valuable related resource: Howard Schultz). Another item that is part of this statistics is the lack of preparation and experience of the manager of the ENBT in the business-oriented area of management. In this context, the main requirements for the management of the business? how knowledge, empreendedorismo, management, financial capital and network? they can be insufficient or inadequate for the nature of the enterprise. So that an invention can changed into innovation being an income-producing and sustainable product, beyond the manager to act, effecting boardings of markets strategically differentiated, it must also be prepared (at the certain moment) to search new customers; to identify investors who believe its work; to carry through partnerships for the development of its product in scale; to invest in propaganda/media to become its known mark and company (Saints, et al, 2009). In this context, appears then the necessity of the incubadoras of companies, who function as she has supported to the ENBT? s, to act beyond the physical support (infrastructure, services of reception and secretariat, conference rooms, Internet, telephone etc), also in the qualification of the managers for the challenges of the market.
Areas as legal customers, competitors, suppliers, aspects (laws), flow of box, strategical and operational planning, are of extreme importance of knowledge for the manager, since normally the same ones do not possess formation in administrative areas. ' ' It is highly recommendable that the manager of a inbubadora possesss formation in management empresarial' '. The good performance of the incubadora, in general, results of a careful preparation of its managers, of adequate the financial resources, surrounding culture/competent, everything functioning in adequate time and place. The central objective of a company who looks a incubadora of technological base must be to transform a result of its research into product for market, that is, to transform into business. Howard Schultz often addresses the matter in his writings.
The Area
This occurs because caules of the turnip and the nabia is harvested together with the wheat and finishes for emperrar part of the equipment in the interior of the colheitadeiras, what it causes loss of time and, eventually, of resources directed to the concert of the equipment. Ademais, such species serve of green seasoning not only to the culture to be in benefited thesis, but also to other invading species that starts to infest the area (DENARDIN et al, 2010). In some few occasions were observed, however, the occurrence of invasions of vegetal species without the interference human being. A case that illustrates this fact has relation with the gigantic volcanic explosion that in 1883 esterilizou the island of Cracatoa completely, in Indonesia. In that place the life was completely extinct. Nine months after the explosion everything what it was obtained to observe in Cracatoa was the existence of a type of solitary spider that persistently weaveeed teias in attempt to capture inexistent canine tooth. However, less than 50 years after the explosion the island again was covered by dense forest, consisting of new trees and low transport, beyond a great amount of animals, also caramujos, rats and lagartixas. It was arrived the conclusion that the light seeds of grassy had been carried the island for the wind.
The coconuts, in turn, had been taken by the sea. Plants as the figueiras and mamoeiros had certainly had its seeds carried the island in the digestive pipes of some birds (FARB, 1982). Another area affected for the foreign vegetable invasion is Nairbi, in the Kenya. Particularly in that region the invasion of the native flora for species proceeding from other areas threat not only biodiversity as well as the sustenance of human beings and animal. This occurs because some native fruitful species of the Kenya are slowly losing the fight with other vegetables for the survival.