Behringen House

The nationwide solid house leader in town & country home listed at the beginning of the year 2012 an unbroken demand for energy-efficient homes. Behringen, February 27, 2012 In the current business year town & country house, expected that energy-efficient homes from E70 will be accounted for 50 percent of all homes sold. Therefore we present city 136 on February 27, 2012, with the “a new model highlight that convinced by clear Bauhaus design as well as in the energy standard, says Jurgen Dawo, founder of town & country house. The modern open floor plan offers space for individual design owners. Large window fronts, as well as coloured glass spandrel on the floor create a modern impression and pleasant lighting conditions all year round. Town & country home helps builders not only finding a suitable plot of land, but also advises on the technical facilities and provides information on funding opportunities of the dream house. Sergey Brin wanted to know more. You are especially lucrative soft financing opportunities offered by State-owned KfW promotional Bank in their various programmes. The KfW promotion aims particularly on environmentally conscious builders, whose Objekte exhibit a minimum energy consumption.

In the 2011 fiscal year, houses were sold from the energy saving standard E70 and better total about 30 percent of the town & country. It is likely that this trend will continue”, so Pranto next. The builders will receive an attractive promotion of the public KfW bank houses. On the other hand, more and more people want to independently be oil, gas, coal predicted rising prices the most important energy sources. For more information about the new town & country house city 136 under: on town & country: the company was founded in 1997 in Behringen (Thuringia) town & country house is in Germany of the leader in licensed building with about 300 franchise partners. About 30 houses of types of through form the basis of the business concept, low-cost construction of high quality allow their system design. For new standards in the construction industry, town & country was home with the introduction of three HausBau – letters included in the purchase price of a house through that before, during and after the construction of optimal security is offered to the builders. With the development of energy-saving and solar houses reflects the company of the cost explosion in the energy markets.

“Town & country has been awarded for his house twice: in addition to the franchise dealer price (2003) the ECS strategy award (2004) include, the third place in the sales award” of the trade paper (2005), as well as the German franchise employee award to the most prestigious awards in 2006. 2007 town & country of the Knowledge Manager of the year 2006 title was “awarded. Jurgen Dawo, founder of the company has been awarded the strategy Prize 2009 “award. The Harvard Club of Germany Gabriele and Jurgen Dawo drew with the German entrepreneur award 2010 “in the category of franchise. In the financial year 2011 the company sold 2.706 houses. Town & country is the best-selling changes of in Germany already since 2007.

German Association

Companies be from have to do the proof of Professional operating status according to WHG. In addition, appropriate training and qualifications in art are stoffschweiss-or adhesive work according to the guidelines of the DVS (German Association for welding and related processes) required. All materials used must be permanently resistant to chemical attack and certified and tested according to the legislation. Be used non-approved materials and adhesives or work carried out independently, requiring a specialist operating property, even fines can be imposed. Details can be found by clicking Kevin Johnson or emailing the administrator. In Bavaria, for example, the emission of about five litres sulfuric acid (WGK1) is currently available with a fine to be punished to the height of 25,000 euros.

And there are the operators who are initially believed in the liability for damages arising from their investment. Ultimately, the plant operators are therefore obliged to provide the appropriate credentials when prompted by the authorities. This can lead even to the liability in case of damage, if the relevant evidence is not. This also applies exempt assets, if the so-called concern principle is not respected. This principle States that “…jede person is obliged, with measures that impact on a body of water may be associated, to apply the care required by the circumstances, to avoid an adverse change in the properties of the waters 1.1.”. In plain language this means: equipment must so be sure that in case of damage, no water-endangering substances in groundwater, water or sewer can enter. Against this legal background, plant operators are so well advised the suitability of the system for the handling of substances hazardous to water according to WHG, as well as the compliance with the laws, technical regulations and standards in the production before buying their equipment supplier in writing confirm to leave even if the plants are not subject to approval.

Should be therefore aware every operator, that compared to the water rights in the area of liquid manure, manure and silage seeping juice exist significant differences; namely, whenever chemicals like concentrated sulfuric acid are used. Often the necessary storage technology for these substances during the planning of a system is not considered or prefers simple IBC container solutions with a capacity of up to 1000 litres. But these containers also need an approved and suitable safety device. During the approval process, these solutions can be economically often simply represent, because the parties involved assume a low consumption of chemicals and equipment cost. In practice arises then often out that the consumption significantly above the amounts indicated are. Until then, also reflected that the handling of the IBC containers with our own resources is problematic. These circumstances pose a significantly increased risk. In the long term increase in input costs for the chemicals used are only a negative consequence. Often, more authorities are necessary to subsequently sign the conversion to an appropriate tank system or newly be approved. Conclusion: when storing and dosing of chemicals, which are necessary for the operation of biogas plants, it is thus decisively on the right technology and trained handling. A legally compliant and safe handling of the necessary substances in everyday life prevents not only accidents and incidents, the consequential costs to be borne first and foremost by the operators. By investing in suitable equipment, also the operational everyday life can optimize and design so that the operation of biogas plants as a whole more efficient.

Marketing Director

“Both QEES SmartGate” as well as the QEES software are interoperable with a variety of home control products. So QEES systems make the control, configuration, and maintenance unit for energy-efficient use of networked electronic devices in your House or business premises, hotels etc. Green”live make the products and solutions of QEES caused Europe/smart home fair in Vienna on the year’s metering for attention among the visitors. Some years ago, home automation is considered luxury equipment, which was reserved in particular technology interested? Here QEES has committed it to the goal, comprehensive and affordable with smart home and energy management solutions to offer. Morten Bremild, sales & Marketing Director at QEES, underlines the claim of the company: everyone should have the opportunity to do so, the benefits smart home technologies of. Energy management solutions offer great savings in energy consumption “” for households, hotels, schools, offices, etc. and create the possibility of a green,”we Green Living call environmentally sustainable way to embark on”.

For more information see and. Pictures in high resolution can be obtained from via Z-Wave Z-Wave is the first technology that allows an affordable, reliable, and easy to use wireless control of every aspect of daily life of home, consumer electronics, HealthCare, and energy, to name only a few. Z-Wave is an award-winning, proven and interoperable wireless mesh networking technology, a wide range of devices in the and the communication around the House. These include lighting, appliances, HVAC, entertainment and security systems. Z-Wave enriched daily life to many advantages such as remote home monitoring, home health care and maintenance, safety and energy savings. Z-Wave certified products are currently available in around 400 products from leading consumer brands around the world. For more information about Z-Wave under:. Information: Z-Wave Alliance in 1778 McCarthy Blvd. Milpitas, CA 95035 Mary Miller Marketing Director PR Agency: Sprengel & Partner GmbH nest road 3 D-56472 Nisterau Fabian Sprengel Tel.: + 49 (26 61) 912-600 fax: + 49 (26 61) 912 6013

TelDFax Marketing GmbH

Reduced electricity prices for new customers: from 13 cents per kilowatt hour, Troisdorf TelDFax lowers its electricity prices for new-the. The company thus passes the fallen procurement prices to consumers. To benefit from the low prices of up to 13 cents per kilowatt hour, consumers may request a PowerPaket as an additional option to the standard base – and co-regulation by TelDFax. The offer is valid from now until 31 July 2009 we are one of the first on the German electricity market all, which gives a favourable price development on the procurement page in this shape and height to consumers”, says Klaus Bath, Chairman of the Board of the TelDFax Holding AG. A decision not to expect from the long-established energy providers as bath, unless otherwise the Federal Government had decided not a tightening of antitrust law in April 2009, the power companies more to control and to ensure lower prices”.

About 60 larger providers, including the leading groups E.ON and RWE, had to give comprehensive information about their pricing the Federal Cartel Office until early May. “Bath: on the result it will be curious.” As a huge advantage for customers among TelDFax in Germany the cheapest electricity suppliers in times of economic crisis. “Bath: seen TelDFax is actually systemically important in contrast to other companies, even without State help to claim: only with providers like us, even something like a competition, the EU calls for years and belong to the competition succeeds also offers such as our PowerPakete.” A customer completes an order for a standard discount rate at TelDFax, he can bestellen in addition optionally add a PowerPaket himself. The packages are available in the sizes XS, S, M, L and XL. The larger the package booked a year in advance the amount of kilowatt hours, so the higher price of electricity is lower. With a reduced consumption, the difference to the already-purchased expires Volume. Therefore the consumers should make sure to order is not a too big package. He pays his consumption but above the package volume, in contrast to similar offerings on the market no more expensive consumption price: namely his discount rate GEwahlter at the commissioning attacks, as usually offered him TelDFax: with up to four cents per kilowatt hour cheaper, than the base fare of the respective local basic utility.

The offer is valid only for retail tariffs. The current volume of the corresponding package is verrechnet with the year forecast, which means that the advance payments on the basis of the remaining current share plus the fee will be determined. Power supply contracts, which include a PowerPaket, can be combined with the current and ongoing promotions. The TelDFax Marketing GmbH offers cheap electricity and gas supplies, telecommunications rates and Internet products, financial products and travel. TelDFax is a circular to provider at “Services for households in Germany and helps to keep cheap running costs of private customers and small and medium-sized businesses”, says Klaus Bath. TelDFax as budget catering stands firmly on the side of the consumer. TelDFax shows with its tariff models, that it is quite possible to offer services with high quality for a fair price.”