Rubro One

There, it all constructed a stadium in concrete, considered for Adolpho Schermann, still in the decade of 60, one of the best ones of the city: with covering in the social ones, electric installations, proper generator, ample and aired fencing, dressings room. Years later, it was baptized as Lenidas Stadium Da Silva, in homage to the biggest revelation of all the history of the club. Its capacity, initially for 10 a thousand torcedores, already held 15 a thousand and currently cf is of 2 a thousand (. I register in cadastre National of Stadiums of Soccer, the CBF, 2009). Beyond the stadium, the headquarters of the club count on a swimming pool, an academy of martial arts and one boutique, where it is possible to acquire shirts and shimstocks of expeditious Rubro-Indigo : of 3 Saturday, the 9:00 to the 18:00. The Bonsucesso it is known as leopoldinense bosom. Or simply Leopoldino, mascote created by the Argentine cartunista Lorenzo Springs, in the decade of 1940 (to see the chapter ' ' First mascote' ' , in our book Of the deep one of the trunk). ' ' Seu' ' Leopoldino, a distinct gentleman of tender, necktie, cartola and umbrella, was a personage whom it searched to portray a species of torcedor-symbol of the club.

In the words of rubronegro Jose Lins of Rego (apud Coutinho), ' ' he is man of good, good conscience, good proceder' ' , and that ' ' one day grandeza&#039 will have its; '. Speaking in Leopoldino, the games with the Pottery are known as ' ' Leopoldinense&#039 classic; '. The proper region where the clubs are both is known as Zone of the Leopoldina. In the fifteen stations of the EF Leopoldina until Gramacho, ten compose the Zone of the Leopoldina, Manguinhos the General Vicar, passing for Bonsucesso and Olaria. with well next stations to both the clubs: Bonsucesso station and Station Peter Ernest, respectively.


Brazilian State

When it is said in pedagogical didactic resources to be used in the Brazilian schools is necessary to emphasize that lately the government has invested in the acquisition of didactic resources for the schools, but are not all the schools of all the regions of the country that are contemplated, many schools still function to the base of the didactic book and the chalk picture, it does not need to travel to know ' ' in loco' ' or to know of this sad reality, is enough to attend some news articles of some programs of television, that people see that in some places nor truth school possesss, what it has in the place of the school is one palhoa, with a full professor of good will to be and the pupils with will to learn there, and there it lacks the most varied resources. On the other hand as if it knows Brazil is the parents of the contrasts and for thus being, schools exist that even possess all the didactic resources since simplest constructed by the professor and by the proper happened the most sophisticated pupils until of technologies of computer science, the Internet and the computer, with laboratory of sciences, rooms of reading, square of sports, library, laboratory of computer science, date retroprojetor show, station of radio, TV, DVD, until schools with surrounding room in accordance with each area of the knowledge. However in many of these schools already equipped the professors well they had been not yet prepared to handle adequately these resources. In the truth how much to the didactic resources, this reality in Brazil is not homogeneous nor when is about a Brazilian State or a city, the realities are diversified possible. On the other hand he has schools equipped with professors using the resources well because already they are prepared for this, that is, already they had surpassed the challenge to include the technologies in its practises professor, for another one has schools also equipped well and that the equipment is played in a place any, therefore the professors had been never prepared for the manuscript of same and the many devices already they are damaged same without use, still has schools without no resource of the modern medias, but the professors are if capsizing as they can and they use the existing resources in the nature, found in day-by-day, using sucatas, books, magazines, periodicals, photos, engravings, and other instruments as the radio and the TV that are technological instruments a little older, and still has those schools that do not possess no didactic resource beyond the trivial one: chalk book, picture and accessories and the professors had not yet had the possibility of awaking for this new reality that the society is living and that the necessary school to be inserted.
