
Frames, as we know, are everything. Or almost everything. Interview the candidates and evaluate their compliance with the post – a key step in the selection. And the most important task in the work of the internal recruiter (HR-manager, personnel officer) any enterprise. And for small businesses – and the manager. The more a recruiter knows about the candidate, the better it is "armed" to make the right decision. Understanding why the candidate is seeking a new job is key. There are many benefits for the interview, some are too academic, some behind the times. You may find that Ben Horowitz can contribute to your knowledge.

Our daily practice has shown: that's 10 key points that should ferret out, find out every recruiter at any cost. All parts of the compensation package at the last place of work. Need to find out exactly how to build a structure of income of the candidate. The base rate of pay – often just the tip of the iceberg now. Learn about the system bonuses, awards and loans. Make a complete list of all additional payments to the candidate and his mortgage payments.

If your company is not able to offer better terms – you are wasting your time … time traveling to work and back. What transportation is whether transplant? Especially true for large cities. Now the duration of "life in the transport and traffic" is already one of the indicators of "quality of life." If you travel in your company will be candidate for a more tedious than his past work, tell him about it directly and analyze his reaction.


In principle, we can cite examples of non-work related. Provided that they demonstrate your skills to those that actually come in handy in the future. Question 4. Tell us about a situation where you are in a conflict in a group of colleagues or misunderstood. Option: How do you resolve conflicts? Correct: Give an example of negligence of subordinates, and how you fix the situation … The examples should be limited to industrial relations. In fact, recruiters are always looking for people who get along well with other people, but at the same time solve the problem posed by. They are looking for someone who can rise above the conflict and emotions, to find a solution win-win.

The error is not the time to tell how much you hate your current boss or colleagues! Nor should we say, how hard to work in your company and how many arguments you have to change jobs. Nor can we say: "I never have problems with other people." Comment. This question gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your communication skills and experience of teamwork. The interviewer is looking for expressions of maturity and ability to stay calm, while others around you are losing them. Not Think of what you are waiting for a complete solution. Rather – an example of how you worked out a collective decision, taking into account the views of different parties. Learn more at: Ben Horowitz. Question 5. Where and who do you see yourself in 3/5/10 years? Option: How do you see your work career (the plan to do) after 2 years (five, ten years)? That's right: It should answer you in the future career plan, formulating goals and stages of personal career.

Job Applicant

There is increasing Articles the importance of persuasive messages. They speak about how to subdue potential applicants compelling content, how to highlight text in perspective in the work, rather than strict requirements for candidates. It is important that Job Applicant easily found and then responded to it. But there is another aspect that is often overlooked when looking for the best employees: the importance of long-term prospects and the company's image by using ad. In other words, branding companies and jobs. By branding job is "binding" job with something significant, such as the large project of the conquest of the market, the output of new products / services development career.

Ask the candidates, whether your company has a "good place to work." If 60% respond yes – this is a good result. Give candidates a chance to see more advantages and prospects for your company. This is a big influence on candidate choice, when he had several job offers. This affects the choice of his family and friends when he consults with them (and he does it!). More about branding the company as an employer – to become a brand, as an important condition for hunting talents.

4. Squeeze all of the company's website. Develop your corporate website, not only as a platform for the sale of goods and services but also as a platform for the sale of "a good place to work." Almost 90% corporate sites that I get – unsuccessful in attracting talented employees. At best, they can only attract more candidates.


Perhaps this bias is, because she had recently had ditenysha. And one small nephew broke my passport and fled to the bathroom to drink immediately ASL. Lucky: she had no chlorine. Their child into the hands of young, I will not give only his grandmother. But sometimes it differently: young trust, according to advanced and teachers are well paid. A ukatyvayut themselves in a restaurant. Together with dityami way, you can walk the dog and the master's take a double fee.

Nyanstvo paid pretty well. But remember, dear students, that children should be very love to make them a nice presence. Fitness instructor, skiing, aerobics if you're doing sports, skiing, aerobics regularly, you have its own method, or "discharge", come in numerous sports clubs: very easy schedule, the combination of pleasant (you raduyuschego sports) and useful (this fee). List of All sports facilities look in the magazines "Bill", "Leisure". Masseur If you graduated or completed medical school or now learn in medical school, try to get a certificate masseur.

You can earn money at home or get to the salon. Session manulnoy therapy costs from 100 to 400 rubles depending on the skill of massage and purse client. Consultants, vendors. The field of application is very broad: from the interior to the market of cellular communication and cars. About 200-300 dollars are sellers of home appliances and mobile phones. Modest salaries in the market, everything depends on host-a chance to be deceived. Ice Cream Vendors, newspapers, technology, usually due to weather conditions, is of little money.

The Performer

Right beside his rating is given by which also you can judge the level of its training. The approach proposed by the developers of the site, will work very effectively as an employer in search of the performer, and the applicant, clearly show their talent in the work, placed in a graphic directory. Articles and Publications. Exchange of experience – a great thing. Site developers offered to all applicants work that already has to its credit the work performed, and therefore have accumulated some experience and an excellent platform for such an exchange. Here you can share your thoughts on completely different aspects related not only to the work and its search, but also many others that you care about and will certainly appeal to many visitors site.

And as a reward, the site adds to your rated bonus points that just will not be superfluous in improving your position in the ranking directory. Each work is done by order of an employer. After completing work (or block work), I would like to receive a grade for work not only in the form of material rewards, but also a certain response. And in a response the customer should really reflect the essence and, altogether, may be both positive and negative and neutral content. In any case, the more reviews of your work will be written, the greater will be your focus and level of training.

Anyone who reads reviews your work will be much easier to clearly present you as the applicant and give the job. The effectiveness of the site many times increase if its credit have not only made and paid work with positive feedback, but also by where you can accumulate a certain amount of money. This will allow you to use unique (paid) services of the site Since delivery of the specified groups of users to the site – paid, posting information on the main page – just requires payment. Taking advantage of these resources – you effectively increase and indicate its presence on a site that immediately affect the number of orders or job offers. Given that the number of users of the site is growing rapidly, for convenience we offer a special internal communications internal e-mail program. She not only let you organize his correspondence, but also to discuss all of the current with the other applicants, and store all necessary data about various employers, assistants and colleagues. Having at hand this database, you can at any time send group mailings, letting the right people the right information. If necessary, you can flexibly manage all your contacts (add, delete, edit, record). This systematic approach is extremely organize your work and enhance its effectiveness. Sincerely,

Internet Earnings

Hello I want to say much about this aspect of our life as a 'work in the Internet. " But it will take a lot of time and all in one article in no way be able to fit. I can advise my visit site, which rasspolozhen the address information given there is much more widely disclose the matter. So. Web browsing is work. Work hard and often is not as lucrative as advertising informs. It will take a huge amount of time, effort, and most importantly patience. Work on the Internet is divided into 4 categories in my opinion. You may wish to learn more. If so, Ben Horowitz is the place to go.

1. You – the webmaster. Your task is to create an interesting site for people, place it in ads that offer sites' affiliate "and promote it on the Internet. About how to do it there you can read on my website. You can not make commercials, and for example by offering services paid registration, if you put something really valuable for the visitor.

2. You – a freelancer. Here everything is different. You begin to work for someone, view sites offering you a small fee, around 2-4 cent for 30 seconds, it is called 'surfing'. It happens that after viewing the site to find specific simbvol or picture you after you enlisted a small amount of money, such a work in internte called 'clicks'. Read letters – you come to the e-mail letter, after reading your problem and click on the link to get rewards. More interesting are the paid survey – by filling the questionnaire on various subjects, especially by sharing your thoughts you become a part of motor trade. Tell your opinion about products and services and get paid for answers. 3. Gambling. Required starting capital. Occupation for people with strong nerves. Is no different from markets in the real world. Can earn a lot, but you can lose everything in an instant. 4. Fraud. The oldest method. Is illegal and punishable by law. About him I will not tell. I shall only add that if you do not want to fall to tricks cheaters to begin with, find the materials about Internet hoaxes, look closely and be careful.

Small Businesses

Today, small businesses have is not easy and that is why planning of its activities are particularly acute. Planning in small business – how to describe your business project to its investment and implementation. Additionally, you will see a large collection of examples of business plans and a description of international and Russian standards of business planning. What sections should be in your business plan to make it Investors or bank, which will give you a loan. On all this, visit the website – professionally on business planning. Thinking strategic plan for short (2-3 pages) strategic plan should be the basis future business plan.

If you do not have a decent strategic plan, on which all good business plan will be discussed in the future? Drafting a brief summary of the strategy – this is the initial phase of the business plan. Start is always very important, they can not be ignored! Before writing a business plan … This article discusses the difficulties of preparing a business plan, making the structure and content, timing and writing activities business plan, etc. So now let's talk more about the problems encountered in preparing a business plan. Is a business without a plan? In order to start a business, as a rule, we need an exclusive idea and the financial ensuring future business. on. Nevertheless, life is such that these two components is not enough. Applications to the business plan in some cases, the business plan can not be imagined without the application of him. Applications contribute to the fact that the main text of the business plan easier to read, and essential background and additional information shall be made in the application. Business planning in small business in not depending on of economy, entrepreneurship requires making a competent business plan. This document is drawn up for planning and effective business management and is one of the main enterprise management tools.